
Dear Sir:

  People say that you are a good president but not a good leader. I guess you are familiar with that thought before. People think that you should be more deterministic with some actions for your own people. Your kingdom is falling and your people are starving, but it seems nothing you can do about it. Do not cut the benefits for the poor, just try to increase and persuade those men and women inside the congress help you this way. I guess if you have a decent thought and a clear mind, then you know what you have to do. People are not fond of you not because you are too young or too dark, but because people are worrying about your leadership. For the great nation on the earth, there is nothing but a deterministic action you have to take, nothing but a dream you have to give and share for your people. A new American dream and make it happen somehow. Provide some fresh ideas to those ones without jobs or think their hopes just fade away under your knees. You have to encourage people, especially those who are vulnerable with tears these days. You have to share your thoughts and lead the nation without hesitate but maybe in a wordless way. Lead and silence, lead and determinstic, lead without hesitate. It is the only thing people expect you to do, the only way people expect their leader to show.

  If you think your country need a new energy policy, then just do it and adjust them gradually. If you think your country need a high speed railroad, then just give some incentives to others to accompolish it. If you think you have to renew the financial society, then just persuade others to cooperate with. If you think you should rebuild you education system, then just try to set examples for others to follow. There are so many things you can do and you should do. Don't say that you can do nothing about it. Don't complain that everyone is against you. Don't feel pity about who you are or what you are. Just try to stand out and fight for it wordless but with actions. Actions speak lounder than words.

  Hope you can lead your kingdom without hesitate and with deep thoughts. Many people still believe in God and have faith on you. May God bless you and your people.



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