
Dear American fellows:

  I have to express my deepest sorrow about the dispute of China-Japan this time. I CHOOSE to stand on the side of China. Before one hundred years ago and before the rising of U.S.A., the China is the only super power in the East Asia. At the time, The Korea is just a part of the great China. The Diaoyu islands are part of China. That is the sure thing before the USA inteferes into the events of Asia. I have to remind that you have abandoned us at the time of Truman, Nixon, and Jimmy Cater. That is the reason why the communist China gets its greater power. But we are still Chinese. The island belongs to China- the concept of a great China. That is no question.

  I really hope the USA should not interfere the dispute this time. We do want to see how it will develop between the Red China and the Japan. Maybe, it is time to tell Japanese that we still do not forget those 8 years tortures in the WWII. And they still do not show their deepest regrets to those things. Millions of Chinese childrens had been killed by Japanese soldiers. Million of Chinese women had been raped by Japanese. Million of Chinese men have been tortured and killed by the notorious Royal Japanese soldiers for fun. Japaneses have to pay the prize.

  You know I do support the economic reviving of America and Japan. And I do believe that the USA is the strongest nation compared with the Red China. But Chinese people do have their sorrows inside and Japaneses never show their sorry for all those things. That is the reason why I support China now.

    創作者 Vegetable 的頭像


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