目前分類:Trump's World (21)

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Dear American:

  Now Mr. Trump is suggesting a greater tax cut for the middle class. People say the tax cut would accompany with a smaller social safety net. It means lower college education tuition help, lower food stamp help and lower other kinds of help.

  It is a much harder choice when the wealth discrepancy is behind imagination. The top 1% American households own more than 50% of total wealth of the US. The top 10% American households own more than 80% of total wealth of the US. the bottom half American households only own not much. It is a tragedy. It makes people feel sad to say those QEs bring more harm than good to the US. Those things get worse, not better, after those policies.

  Trump's wealthy people  tax cut brings money home. People may question if a much valuable currency of US dollar hurting the export and help more imports from other countries. People talk about those import goods would not be produced in the US anymore. Everyone talks about that the replacement of China exporting to the US just brings other countries to export more to the US. The manufacturing jobs are hard to recover in the US is what they say. The American dream seems to be impossible when the wealth discrepancy is too large  making ordinary Americans need cheaper goods to consume. Ordinary Americans could not afford those goods made in the USA forever.

  On the other hand, the medicare cost just gets higher and higher. It crushes the American dream and makes people feel despair to have a life or even make ends meet. It brings the darkness to Americans on the issue Americans face every day. To be honest, I realize the pain a lot. In my hometown, we face some similar situations. I don't know it is fortunate or not to have a better healthcare subsidy here at the expense of doctors and nurses.

  If all Americans think those things have to be changed, then please change those things in a better way. To tax wealthy Americans may make things worse because poor Ameircan households already have little. Can you imagine those families to have much less after a heavy wealth tax on the rich Americans? It is inevitable in today's world when capital could search its way out to have a better deal. Then we may see the money of wealthy American households flowing out of the US to help other coountries grow. Is that the thing all Americans want? Or we could come out with something else?

  It is a cruel thing to judge the political system of US. All those presidents may make the US worse but better in the lately two decades. They do not promote a better wealth redistribution system. They do not come out with a better plan on the medicare. They do not have a better plan to help the US grow. Let bygone be bygone. It is too late to say those things.

 I encourge Ameircans to reevaluate all those status quos. If Americans really need an expensive education to help your life grow? If Americans really need those goods imported before? Could Americans re-evaluate your life to judge what kind of things may brin g more happiness to your life? 

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear American people:

  It is so glad to hear from the latest news that the US defeats the ISIS again. The latest focus is all around the Fed's action. To be honest, I think Mr. Powell does a good job. Now the US faces the crisis of mid to small business could not go on as people wishes. The mid to small cap stocks could not go much higher as the large cap stocks do. So do those small or mid-sized financial institutions. It makes people wonder what's going on there. The faith of whole world investors seems to be terrified from the illiquidity of those financial products. Small and mid-sized banks or financial institutions get nowhere when they try hard to monetize their loans and pack them in to some leveraged loan products which seems to get a much discount these days. The short term liquidity is challenged from the financial market when everyone is watching what will the Fed do to this situation.

  We need American people help the small and mid-sized business to go on. We need the Fed to help those small and mid-sized finiancial institutions to have a life. We need American people realize that the small and mid sized business is in jeopardy in the US. We need the whole world investors to help small and mid-sized businiess to survive.


Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear American fellows and Trump:

  It is time to go your own way without the world, especially China. China is irrelevant to the US now. Americans should have determination that China plays a role to supply cheaper goods for years but others could do the same thing for the US. Lift the US bond yield for God's sake, please. The US bond yield is too low, It will jeopardize the US financial market.

  The world is sucked into a world with negative bond yield. Do not let it happen in the US, please. Please do not hurt yourself into a world with negative bond yield, especially the US Treasuries. I know Americans are in pain that those bonds are with heavy burden of interest payments. I know lots Americans already know they choose the wrong guy to be the president to leave more than trillions of US government debt to the society. It is not the time to look back. Americans should look forward and move on.

  No matter what the world says about Mr. Trump and the US. Americans should go on your own way to have a life than others. Mr. Trump seems not to understand the economics well that most emerging markets are in a process of lowering rate. We see a larger depreciation of RMB, Korean Won and other emerging market currencies. Americans should be brave enough to face this crazy world. The world is a world of communism NOW, not the socialism. Stock market could go lower to find its own equlibrium. The consequence is we look forward to see some growth hereafter. I know the US Treasury thinks the bond interest payments are too much compared with Germany Bund and other advanced economies. It is a way of the US, Americans are proud to be a capitalism country, to have a supply-demand economy. To keep the system well function is a proud thing, Americans should work together to resolve the healthcare problem, not let the hospital asking too much money from American people. The US congress should have some laws to help restore the overpriced, maybe some greedy, healthcare system. The market should be regulated in some way to help Americans have some money to help other industries grow.

  Mr. Trump should focuses his energy to help the US out of troublesome, non-regulated, overpriced healthcare system, But it doesn't mean every healthcare measure is for free, but with reasonable price to pay. Mr. Trump should stop the wihte supermacy and ask people to work for their own life. Get a job and keep oneself in peace.

 Mr. Trump should have determination to keep the economy working. Keep every American people's daily life in order. China is irrelevant but the US is. Yes, you have some idot leaders and Mr. Mnuchin thinks the interest payment on the US Treasuries is too much. The US Treasuries seems to play a role to support the whole world economy today. Yes, it is true and nothing but a TRUTH. The whole world needs the US Treasuries play the role to stablize the whole world financial markets. Gernamy is an idiot, so is France. So is Switzerland, But it doesn't mean that Americans should follow their footsteps. They are all communist now. It doesn't mean that the US should be that kind of nation. Keep the market in a free and compatitive situation is to keep a fair way to help people live on. 

  Mr. Trump and his team should learn hard from the experience of 2008's financial crisis saving. The US-QEs and other measure do more harm than good to the US in the first place when all Americans are not well prepared how to help themselves to survive in the world of overcrowded, no rule financial derivatives. No one knows the true price of those derivatives. And the US government should not donate that much money on those derivatives. It is gone. Let bygone be bygone. We have no time to look back. All Americans should face their own life and keep the food on the table. So we need Americans to keep the market moving foreward. Have some faith to your own system. Have some faith to your congress. Ask all those congressman and congresswoman to have some restriction to help the US grow.

  Trump's team should know better the failure of US-QEs is due to too much and too fast changes in a shorter period of time. Everything should change accordingly and in a much slower motion. Let all Americans have some time to think and make some accomodation with all those policies is a better way to help the US grow. Trump's team should not ask the Fed to lower rate that much in such a shorter time. Americans should have some time to deal with their life, especially in a period of lowering rate. Americans will find better ways for themselves to accomodate the situation, but in their own ways and fir their own needs.

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Mr. Trump:

  Now the US is on the cross road to the economic booming years. On the surface everything is fine, but on the bottom of iceberg there are so many risks hidden in the US financial system. Maybe we could find something from reading a new book written by Bridgewater's R. Dalio. The name of book is Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises. I have to confess that I have many different viewpoints with the book. In the latest 2008 case, I am totally disagree with Mr. Dalio's statement. I don't think the US governement does the right thing at the time. On the contrary, I believe the US government should follow the 1930's path to slowly adjust the US economy in order not to take more than 10 trillion US dollar government debt burden. It is a wromg deed from my viewpoint. But it is still a very important book for the guideline of US lately. It provides many things to think through and see through from the history. Even the Fed's leader, Mr. Powell, should read the book carefully. Now, we have to face the truly risks embedded in the US financial system with those overissuing bonds, stocks and other derivatives. The price of financial instruments is all much higher. It is time to face and deal with.

  The history may reveal its the obvious rediculous events over and over, but human should recognize those similar templates in order to avoid them with different tools and carefully acts. So does Mr. Trump with his team to run the US central government. It is time to face the hidden risks after ten years booming with several debt overissuing.

  To conclude with those risks, here is the summary...

 (1)A new form of credit bubble is happening

   For any booming economy, the credit increasing is a necessary evil. It bring more truly needed investment and create more jobs. At the same time, it also bring with over consumption on unnecessary things with pleasure. If people are in the class of higher net worth, then those consumptions could be resolved with own assets. On the other hand, if those luxury consumption is from the class of people living paycheck by paycheck, then those credit events may become some disaster to the financial system. If all those things get wrong, we may see some dangers from the domino effect with some credit events contagious to trigger other credit events. The same story happens to the US corporates. The tax cut brings more wealth back to the US. The only thing the Fed and the Trump's team should do is to help Americans preserve those wealth in a constructive way. To let those money flow into the future investment for a greater America is a necessary thing. To let those moeny not be spent on unnecessasry waste is a must be.

  The US investment grade corporate now issue more than 2 trillion corporate bonds with investment grade BBB, only above the junk grade one level. The fallen angel effect makes people nervous and stay at night with some soul-searching. It makes people wonder... Could those overissuing bonds may go default or with some not 100% recovery rate hereafter? May those unpaid debt trigger another big disaster to the US? And the most important thing is that the US always and everywhere has to resolve those debts with some fair market mechanism, in some sense with the government's support. It is largely contradict to the free market mechanism that the US society applies for years. We have seen the credit event resolution of 2008. to be honest, it is a bad classroom case to the whole world. It is a totally wrong act and response for a free society that the central government should not swallow all those strange shadow banking garbages and transform all those things into the central government debt. The US central government should let all those things go default with empty hand. Now we see more than 10 trillion US central government debt piling from the 2008 credit event. We do not want to see even burdensome similar templated thing happen in the US again. Mr. Dalio, in his book, praise all those acts as a necessary evil to help the market back on track. In my point of view,this generation of US to create such a big disaster leaves quite a large debt burden to their children. In the 1930's, that generation of US doesn't create so much debt to their offspring. With the luck of no war happening in the US, the next generation inherit a greater situation no other countries have. On the contrary, to save those garbage of US financial shadow banking disease in 2008, the US deplete all those money and energy to save nothing and create nothing but leave a greater burden to their next and next generations. It is totally wrong. History will remeber what those idiots have done to destroy the US.

  It always reminds us that the US is truly a dreamland in which everyone could find their handy things to get reward in monetary terms. So is the financial engineering. So is the credit triggering. We do not want the thing happen again but in a much strange way. We also have to remind the difference beteen the US and Red China. Red China could use the governemt hand to wipe out all those RMB debt as it wishes, but in the US, all those wipe-out must be based on some strick rules. We have seen the guarantee of the US central government with more than ten trillion debt piling. It makes the US central government have to face the shutdown risk every year thereadter. It should not happen in that way if all Americans get a more concious mind to reject the ruling of Democratic party. Maybe, Americans just choose wrong leaders in last two decades.

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear American people:

  It is a critical moment to rethink the relationship among the US and other nations in Central & South America. Without the trade between the US and China (PROC), every American should know that the falling of US techonology corporations may be inevitable. The reason is simple. The Red China really knows what it wants from the US. Red China wants the US technology to develop its own nation in a deeper way. The industrious Chinese is no one could deny or replace. Chinese could bear a lot of pain to have the goal get reached. The tradition could be found from other Asia countries like Taiwan and South Korea. Taiwanese could endure a lot of pain to have a much more happiness life then after. It is the reason why Chinese in the Red China love to spend lots of money to have the US technology. The deeper reason is to transform Red China into a technology super-power.

  A lot of people outside the US may think the possibility that the US to stop the rising of Red China is a totally waste of time. People in the Red China would take every means to get what they want. Unless Mr. Trump starts to change his mind on the relationship with other nations in the continent of America. To be honest, we still believe the US needs to rebuild the whole supply chain in its own land. If that is not possible, then the US should ask itself a serious question - where is the second base of manufacturing? Taiwan, South Korea and Japan could be important middle goods manufacturing houses. But the US still lacks a second base to assemble those goods with cheaper labor. It makes the tariff of US on Red China hurting its own technology industry. If there is no second base or third base for those manufacturing, the the US should ask if those things could be automatic manufacturing in its own land. If the answer is still to be no. Then the US should ask itself further. Where is the next manufacturing place to have more US techonology goods exported?

  My suggestion is central & south America. They still have cheaper labor. Of course, we know those people in Red China could bear lots of pain no other species could have. If lots of goods manufacturing could be resolved from automatic machine, then Americans should ask if those nations in the central America or the south America may be a second base or third base of final goods manufacturing. Also, if those nations could be export places for US technology? 

  I know that, in some sense, Mr. Trump is against the immigration from other central or south nations of America. The only solution to help those shit nations to revive may be more trade benefit giving to those ones. Let Mexico, central America nations and others be another great export places of US technology seems to be inevitable. If those nations have some higher paying jobs, then the immigration problem of US could be largely resolved. The conflict between the US and Mexico may be largely reduced from the new policy, that is to let those nations be a second base of final manufacturing goods served for the need of Americans. Also, the US should help those nations to have more capacity to buy the US technology to replace the lost trading part of Red China.

  It is a critical moment as I mention. The US techonology needs another place to export except Red China. If the case is not the Africa, then the only answer seems to be central & south America.


Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear American people:

   I am shy to tell you the truth about the lately event. There are several things I should remind you. The first thing is Mr. Trump is not that mighty as some Americans believe. You should not count on your president to have everything well prepared. On the contrary, you should help your president even Mr. Trump is not that likeable. The second thing is the US is lack of innovation because you have some flaud in your society that Americans don't discover. The third thing is Americans should not fight against each other on Trump's issues.

  We all want the prosperity of US contiuning for a long time. The truth is that the transition of US is not enough. Americans are reluctant to admit the truth that you are not diligent anymore. Americans become lazy in the technology progress. Maybe Americans think the technology progress would replace even more manpower, but it is not true. We do not see any big improvement to let technology help American's daily life even we do see the evolutionary changing but not the revolutionary trasnsforming. Mr. Trump has promised to make a big change for the US society. Unfortunately, US Democratc party is so eager to drag Trump down hoping the prosperity ending as soon as possible. Of course, we see Mr. Trump provides an empty check. Every American has the right to question his claims as usual. I have to remind American people that the future of US is in the hands of American people but not Mr. Trump. Have we see manufacturing jobs largely going back to the US? Have we see American people help each other to have a decent life? Have we see the truce of political fighting between Democratics and Republicans? Those answers are obvious to be NO. How come? How come Americans resent each other? How come Americans are  divided by the ideology of to support or not to support Mr. Trump? How come the question is not to create a new way of living?

  At every dire moment of US history, we see some heros come out to clear the mind of American people. In the last century, we know the man whose name is Roosevelt. In the opening of this century, we know there are a lot of American people think that is Obama. I still have questions about the historical status of Obama because he has courage but uses wrong tools to save the US. In short, Mr. Obama is misled by some people with socialism ideology. I know there are so much confllict between socialism and free marketer in the US lately. I think Ameircans should not feel despair even there is a bumpy road ahead of the US. There is no easy path for Americans. Americans should help each other in many ways even Americans have different ideologies of what a decent US should be. Americans should not look upon each other with hatry mind but with tender and humor - to feel sorry for your neighbors not have a decent life and to encourage your friend to live on in the headwind. It is not easy as we might know. It is not easy as we have imagined. But it is so real Americans face in their life.

  Dear Americans, life is not easy as used to be when China is rising in its own way through a subsidied economy with economic-managed (or planned)  thinking. China is rising at the expense of  jobs all over the world. China is emerging in a strange way we could not foresee. But the rising China is real at which Americans have to face. To bring manufacturing jobs home is not a slogan but an act. American people have to realize it is a decison of living on or dying out. I know that American people love super heros and would keep loving super heros in the future. I have to tell American people that the only super hero in this world is American yourself. American could live a better life if Americans want. American people could have a greater living standard if American people give up lousy prototype thinking. American should not indulge yourselves in the old day but to live a totally new life people could not imagine. How to live a life is not that hard. Only to do everything right Americans think that would bring happiness to everyone in the US, then that is it. All those things should be said and done is to have a life of happiness.

  Sometimes I do feel sorry to Mr. Trump. Sometimes I feel pity to Mr. Trump. May God mercy Mr. Trump's soul for what he has said and done sometines. Mr. Trump is an old man who still indulge himeself in the old glory of US. Those days are gone with no turning back. A new life should be given birth but Mr. Trump doesn't know how and what. It is a story American people should write on your own. But Mr. Trump is right that manufacturing jobs should back home even in many strange ways. Tariff, obstruction among alies, obstacle or something else are all the necessary evil to bring those jobs home. I still remember when I stand under the statue of a lady with her torch in New York that I  could not find any souvenir made in the USA. All those stuff are made in China. It makes me wonder why those things happen all the time when I travel around the USA. How come American people do not produce those souvenir in the US? Could you help me to know the answer better?

  Mr. Trump and his team pave a way for American people to start asking the same question again and again. It is the starting point of bringing manufacturing jobs home. It is the starting point American people should ask yourselves over and over. That is how come the souvenir of freedom goddess is made in China but not the USA, even China doesn't own that kind of freedom. Bring manufacturing jobs home is still in its infancy. If American people want a better living standard, the only way American people should ask yourself is how come all those daily necessities are not mostly made in US. If the question could be resolved, I believe we could see those manufacturing jobs home. Even those jobs are with high tech of automation, American still could control the manufacturing machine to bring out more value.

  I hope I would not see bloody arguments between the US congress and Mr. Trump. Those stupid deeds bring me despair. I hope American people should look upon how to bring happiness to every American citizen. I do hope American people could find a way to make a big change in the air of free market mechanism. My dear American friends, it is time to act but not fight each other with no reason anymore.

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear American people:

  Here I go again. I have to confess to you that I do not want to live in the world anymore. Maybe as soon as pissible, I really mean that. I told my family member if some day she loses contact with me. It means that she could not get aceess with me from phone, then she should look for a locksmith to open the door of my place and check if I die in my bed. Then she should turn my body into ashes and make me disappear in this unpleasant world. Unpleasant? Yes, indeed. You know those Chiinese and Taiwanese really disturb me a lot and make me annoyed all the time. I have to stand with their bad attitude and stubborn, even stupid, prejudice on everything they thought that is right. The truth is, unfortunately, they are wrong all the time. And they just keep to be wrong hereafter. It is a prejudice never disappearing.

  I have read some articles on the website. All are talk about the white-black conflict in these days. I have to remind Americans that kind of thing will never go away even those black people get what they want all the time. It will just make things worse even if the black people always get what they want. We have witnessed the fact when the racial conflict is dominated by the story of black winning. In those days, the US economy gets worse but not better. I would rather choose the black poeple lose on purpose or intentionally, but American ppoeple win and live with a great economy. A great economy brings everyone happy, a lower unemployment rate for white and black people both. It is the fact I want to see. Please stop the racism examination because it doesn't help American people have a good job with a great salary all the time.

  I have to tell you that I really do not want to give you any suggestion anymore because I really hope my days on the earth is near the end. I have enough. Enough is enough.

  O.K. You could call me Jack, even I do not know what the meaning is. Let's talk about the US economy. What to do next if American people want this good time keep going on and on? My suggestion is on infrastructure and waste processing industries. On the infrastructure, I mean those ones who could bring income with the renovation such as airport or super highway. If you could tax 5 to 10 US dollars per person when they arrive or depart from the specific airport to compensate the usage of airport facilities. I think it would be a great story not to give too much burden to the local or central government. So does the story of super highway. On the waste processing, American people should know better how American waste pollute the world all the time. You could find obselete Dell computer in some Afirca nations. You could see some plastic waste of American brands all over the sea bed. American people still do not have solution to face their own wastes. American poeple should have some solutions to turn the waste into gold. That is a manufacturing job, to be honest.

  The other problem about the US is more than 21 trillion debt resolving. How to keep them down? How to pay down the debt without making people feel hopeless? To be honest, it is much harder than poeple know. It is not an easy question. Maybe you should ask Mr. Obama and Mr. Bush Jr. to think through, honestly. Mr. Trump has to spend some money on those things he wants to do to help American people and the world to be a better place. Do not deny Mr. Trump does a good job to bring the US economy alive. Do not refuse to admit Mr. Trump does a good job to revive the US economy. To use the market mechanism to help the government trim down the debt is the only way to decrease the government debt. To have a socilism healthcare is stupid. To regulate the heathcare business is a good idea but not to destroy the market mechanism behind. The Obamacare does destroy some good mechanism behind.

  Some other problem is how to deal with China except tariff or something else. I have to tell you the truth that the tariff is still needed. We already see the TV panel industry is ruined by those Chinese firms. Every LCD or LED manufacturing firms all tries to differentialte themselve from those Chinese firms. But now they still feel that they will be dead in a couple of years if Chinese firms keep expanding without limit. All those Chinese firms are in the form of government sponsored, no matter that is local Chinese government or central Chinese government.

 The world should feel lucky that Trump administration stops the DRAM industry having the same disastrous destiny as the panel industry. If those Chinese firms enter into the DRAM industry, we know others will face the final decision, to withdraw forever or keep bleeding until dead eventually. That is the truth. Thanks to the Trump Admistration lately to help the world not to see horrible stories happening in the DRAM industry. It is a great accomplishment. Be patient to those Chinese, American people. Be patient! They have a vision to conquer the world in their own way using those knowledge they learn from the world, especially the US. I know American farmers are out of patient to see the conflict between the US and China happening all the time. Chinese leader would rather starve their own people but not to give in. Mainland China is not a free society, so are their industries. Their LCD and LED panel firms are all sponsored by government without budget limiting. They even launch tons of RMB to support the industry, 140 trillion RMB in China (lower estimated nimber) is what we see today. You know in the international economics, the countries with higher inflation awalys gets the most benefit from the world trade with others. Now we see those Chinese firms not only live with a higher inflation environment, but with much lower cost to  maintain their manufacturing factories. In the US, those firms will be dead because of higher cost to keep the factories running. The market will never let those firms survive in the free society. It never happens. That is the reason why Foxconn is freak out to build a LCD factory in the US as promised. Or you could ask  the world not to buy all those manufacturing goods made in mainland China if possible.

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear American people:

  We got problems here. The only way American could help is to create an even larger pool for the accomodation of US dollars backing home. What people want is a higher yield rate for the US Treasuries to accomodate an even larger infolw of US dollar or to have even larger pools of international currencies, including British pound, Euro, Swiss Franc and other freely convertible currencies.

  Now we face the choice of death or alive, a road to freedom or the other. We need American people help the world to be a better place. We also hope Americans could open eyes to see the truth that people could not trust a nation with no freedom.

The first scerario.

  The US dollars all over the world comes home. Let emerging markets face the true value of themselves. To see is to believe, I guess. Therefore, the US Treasury yield needs to go up higher rather than lower to accomodate more US dollars home through a form of US Treasury purchasing. Before the negociation of Sino-US has some pleasant result that the world wants, all we could do is to let the US dollar go home. The China-US trade dispute may takes a longer time as people expect. Before that, Americans have no time to wait but to have a more robust economy with more full-time higher paid jobs and more prosper American families.

The second scenario.

  Americans give up to fight with China in the trade argument which keeps China building more advanced warships and aircraft carriers to threat neighbors. Americans encourage the US dollar flow into those nations having great trade ties with China and let US dollars against the US itself. We should see the booming of emerging markets, especially those countries with stronger business relation with China. Of course, Anerican people could have some benefit from investment and trade in emerging markets. Only after American people may realize aircrafts with the US flag will be shot down some day in near future.

The story behind....

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Americans:

  Finally, American people are not getting themselves drunk but keeping sober this time. The latest news that the 2018 Q2 has 4.1% growth rate is not a miracle, but is expected to show the capitalism prevails. And people have to say that it is not enough when the participation rate has not reached the historical average for a long time in s sustainable way. It is not enough when the unemployment rate is from 3.8% to 4% where there are lots of American graduates wanting a job for life. It is not enough when China has created many new departments in their universities and colleges to study the artificial intelligent and big data for transportation, ecommerce, and every field in the daily life. The US has to work harder on new thoughts and create more miracles. It is not enough!

  Mr. Trump should know that the competition has just begun for the next decade, among China, Rssia and the United States. To show the world the capitalism is a much better system for human beings to survive than the socialism that government pays attention to everything is a must be. Yes, the US finally reaches the goal, like the used to be, more than 200K people get employed every month, more American people get a happily life, the government pays less attention on everything as the market mechanism shows its strength. But it is not the time to live in complacency when China is rising in a big way.

  American first is nothing wrong but to show how foolish the US academic society elite could be in previous years. American scholars preach the free trade letting American people lose their jobs to foreign countries. The naive thinking still lives on in the mainstream economic society of the US that the US should not bring the manufacturing jobs home because American people deserve cheaper goods imported. Does Mr. Trump know that American people have paid around five trillion US dollars to China in 20 years?  Even with tax raised on Americans, the US still has 19 to 20 trillion US dollars government debt when Mr. Trump goes to the White House. 

  Mr. Trump just brings all American people back to the right track when somebody brainwashes American people this and that and says American people should follow the path of socialism, not the extreme capitalism. Yes, they may be right when Americans are naive and so easy to be persuaded. Mr. Trump just gets the US back on the track to the decent capitalism society a year and half. Those elites of American society live in their ivory tower without knowing the true life of Americans for so long. Those scholars forget to consider the basic needs of Americans.

  What Mr. Trump should do and has not done yet is to help Americans have new kind of manufacturing jobs, not just embrace the old glory. The old day's jobs are full of toxic elements in the job environment. American people deserve a better manufacturing job in a much cleaner environment with less pollution.  Mr. Trump should know it better that the US should move on and let the old glory fade away. American people need a new life style that could help the US not to make the same mistakes again and forever. To have a more proper regulation on financial sector is a must be. 

  For the employment issue, the old method doesn't work. Some people mention that American people has higher living standard compared with others, which means all those manufacturing jobs should move outside the US. In the trade theory, American scholars already know the reason of trade is not based on the comparative advantage when the same catogory products still can be traded among nations. It means that the US still could have the same category manufacturing jobs as other nations with lower standard of living.

 The capitalism wants less government intervention in every way of daily life. Let the market mechanism play the role well under careful scrutiny. To build a good system for healthcare is a must be. Mr. Trump wants a self-sustainable healthcare system not sponsored by the US government. Could it happen? We still wait and see. Of course, we hope so. It is a long way to go from here to the destination Mr. Trump wants.  And Mr. Trump should remember that it is not enough to have this one only. The US should go on and on,  more jobs, more miracles and more joy of life.

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear American people:

  It is a decison about to live or die. Bring the manufacturing jobs home with new innovation is a must be today. From the history, we know electronic garbages are full of the world. Most of them are created from the United States and the most of those garbages are all made in China.

  Americans should find a way to change the life style of used-to-be, making it better and let bygone be bygone. Figure out how to reduce electronic garbages with useful recycling is a have to do. In the old days, Americans used to ship those garbages to Africa or China and pretend it doesn't exist. It must be changed from today. Manufacturing jobs should be reconsiderd to stay in the US with a new form. American people should know something new to cope with those useless disposed electronics garbage. American people should find a way or create a new industry to deal with electronic wastes. Or Americans should consider how to stop consuming those goods for good.

  Bring manufacturing jobs home to the US is not a dream or a slogan, but a new way of life all Americans people should think seriously. Manufacturing process needs a lot of innovations which will bring many Intelectural Property after the process is done. It should be left in the US but not China. Latest artificial intelligent related manufacturing goods should all be manufactured in the US only, not China. Ameircan should face this question with a cautious discussion but not just some ANTI-TRUMP stupid talks.

  Bring manufacturing jobs home, especially those ones about new way of communication and living style. American people should know it better to  deal with those issues seriously from today.

The theory of trade becomes... absurd...

  In the old days, the trade story gives as that...Some people build something based on  their expertise and resource they could have, others do the same, and then both  go to the market and trade to increase both utilities. Now the story changes in a strange way. We see some people take advantage of others to have the best thing they could have but at the expense of others in the long term. Suddenly, after decades, we find the nation doesn't have to trade with others because the nation gets every technology for good and in a much cheaper way. All the cost to have the intellectual property is burdened on other countries but the bebefit is owned by one specific nation.

Micron is on the hit

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

To Mr. Trump:

  It is a great moment to see the world peace going forward, especially for the Korea reunification. I have some suggestion for you, Sir. The first one is buying the US crops and send it to North Korea for free. T feed your enemy is one thing, to negociate with them is another. We all know that North Korea is short of food and people are starving. When Chinese retaliate not to buy US crops, the US government must stand out to help its own people. We all know the food will perish if it is not be consumed. So my suggestion is the US government spend some money get all those food and send it to North Korea for free.

  The second suggestion is Mr. Trump should be patient to the negociation with North Korea's leader. To help the kids understand what the world is and to help them grow is the first priority. To help them first may be an needed option because it is said the North Korea has spent more than 3 billion US dollar to own the nuclear weapon. It is the life saving money and the only share they have. Unfortunately, they spend it all. It needs to be replenished. Maybe, the US could use food, medicine and medical something to replace the money to  help North Korea this time. To prevent them have more money to do something bad and to help people in the North Korea directly.



Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Mr. Trump:

  I really hope you could be the best president of US. It doesn't depend on me but you. You have to put all selfish ideas down to help your own people. We have some problems now. The first problem is the revenge from China, especially to Taiwan this time. Taiwan just loses its long term friendship with Domi... 

  Now China realizes what's on people's mind. The most place shoud have financial crisis is China this time. Unfortunately, it is not easy to see when China still flood domestic financial market with their RMB. People go to China, just like poeple are attracted to a big CASINO. When people are full of chips they win from the game and want cash out, the casino owner refuses to pay and use a gun on their heads to force players join the game until they lose all their chips eventually. That is happening in China.

  China uses US dollars as a devastating weapon to Taiwan. Around 3 billion US dollars to buy a good friend with Taiwan for more than 70 years is bad for Taiwanese. To let one country cut their connection with Taiwan is bad for us. It is a sad story we face. The original sin is that China has too much US dollars and China uses US dollar as a weapon to let Taiwan bleeding most because Taiwanese stand on the side of USA. It is all related to the fact that everyone knows China issues too much RMB. China's central bank, PBOC as the CASINO owner, now uses capital control to against people chip out from this giant CASINO. We have no idea how the game ends. 

 We don't believe in China. I, personally, believe that China has no MOJO and will crash in the end. But all those things are based on a free market assumption what China is lack of. This time we see the CASINO owner, PBOC, refuses people to cash out. Even more, we see that China uses their US dollars to attack Taiwan hardly and purposely. Now China still has 3.1 trillion US dollars foreign exchange reserve. If they continue to use 3 billion US dollar for each country connected with Taiwan. China only needs around 60 billion US dollars to cut all our frinedly connections. What could the US do to help Taiwan this time?

  Now Taiwan independence is an inevitable thing Taiwanese have to face when Taiwan has no countries want to recognize its identity anymore. Taiwan should change its name of nation from Republic of China to something else about Taiwan in order to show our true nature. Taiwan should refuse to play this stupid game, one China xxx, anymore. The stupid game China's playing now, one China policy, is bad for the health of Taiwanese.

  A lot of people in Taiwan, including me, are against the idea of Taiwan independence for a long time. But we have no alternative anymore. Mr. Trump should understand better when ROC has not been recognized from the world, Taiwanese should stand up to protect our own identity. It makes Taiwanese think seriously how come we don't change from something stupid about China to nothing related with China. When we try to help the US but face serverely attacks from China, how could we help outselves from those tortures of China this time? Domin.. is a lively example that Taiwan faces lately.

 In the world, the most dangerous financial market is China.  I truely believe thatRMB is an unsolvable problem and PBOC is the giant CASINO owner who refuses players to cash out. That is all we see and know. In China, there is more than 100 trillion RMB deposit savings today and we still see the volume of RMB keeps growing without end.  PBOC is the CASINO's owner who keeps issuing more chips to players in the CASINO. The most frightening thing is they refuse players in the CASINO to chip out! Taiwan can not refuse to accomodate RMB when our own people are going home with full of RMB. It makes us in a big trouble. It brings another problem is when we have more RMB, we are in a more dangerous situation to be dragged into a probable financial crisis in China in near term. It is a dangerous game where Taiwanese are afraid to join in. But we are in the CASINO where we can't get out. It is not just a nightmare but an endless horrified movie. Taiwan has more than 500 billions RMB already. What can we do?

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Mr. Trump:

    Mr. Trump seems not to know the situation well. I know the reason is that a lot of experts who don't want to help this regime. I am afraid to say that is a truth. The basic idea why the Obama administration keep the Treasury yield so low is that the US government wants to have a lower cost to service (its debt). Of course, we love to see the Fed trims down its balance sheet to bring down the scale of US government debt. But the consequence is the action may raise the yield rate so much. The basic idea behind the yield rate is that the 10 year US Treasury yield is the base rate for everything. People buy a car and ask a loan where the loan rate is the 10 yr Treasury yield plus some markup. So are the mortgage and the credit card debt. If the yield rate of 10-yr US Treasury goes too high, people may expect the probability of bankruotcy of lower credit US corporates goes even higher. It will raise the funding cost of lower credit US corporation. Mr. Trump should know better that a lot of lower credit US corporates are those ones related with the shale oil industry. It may hurt the capacity of US own shale oil industry and bring up the oil price. A lot of other nations may love to see that, especially those countries with oil output such as Russia and Middle East nations.

  We have mentioned that the 10-year US Treasury yield should not go too high because the US already has 20 trillion government debt. The other reason is that a too high yield may increase the funding cost of  US ccorporates. A lot of lower credit rating US corporates are related with the energy industry, especially the shale oil. If the US 10-yr yield rate goes too high, the cost the US government has to face is to pay more cost to service its own debt. There is the 20 trillion US dollar debt this time.

  Also, one trillion infrastructure plan in the US needs lower cost to build and support. The Trump administration should think hard about how to bring down the 10-yr US Treasury yield this time when people get excited about the US stock market and leave the US Treasury market behind. It is the cost Trump administration has to face when people get excited about the future. Too much pleasure may bring some disasters we may not foresee. Mr Trump has promised to those people in the election to have a decent life. Truely, they are a lot of votes there.

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Mr. Trump:

    Mr. Trump seems not to know the situation well. I know the reason is that a lot of experts who don't want to help this regime. I am afraid to say that is a truth. The basic idea why the Obama administration keep the Treasury yield so low is that the US government wants to have a lower cost to service (its debt). Of course, we love to see the Fed trims down its balance sheet to bring down the scale of US government debt. But the consequence is the action may raise the yield rate so much. The basic idea behind the yield rate is that the 10 year US Treasury yield is the base rate for everything. People buy a car and ask a loan where the loan rate is the 10 yr Treasury yield plus some markup. So are the mortgage and the credit card debt. If the yield rate of 10-yr US Treasury goes too high, people may expect the probability of bankruotcy of lower credit US corporates goes even higher. It will raise the funding cost of lower credit US corporation. Mr. Trump should know better that a lot of lower credit US corporates are those ones related with the shale oil industry. It may hurt the capacity of US own shale oil industry and bring up the oil price. A lot of other nations may love to see that, especially those countries with oil output such as Russia and Middle East nations.

  We have mentioned that the 10-year US Treasury yield should not go too high because the US already has 20 trillion government debt. The other reason is that a too high yield may increase the funding cost of  US ccorporates. A lot of lower credit rating US corporates are related with the energy industry, especially the shale oil. If the US 10-yr yield rate goes too high, the cost the US government has to face is to pay more cost to service its own debt. There is the 20 trillion US dollar debt this time.

  Also, one trillion infrastructure plan in the US needs lower cost to build and support. The Trump administration should think hard about how to bring down the 10-yr US Treasury yield this time when people get excited about the US stock market and leave the US Treasury market behind. It is the cost Trump administration has to face when people get excited about the future. Too much pleasure may bring some disasters we may not foresee. Mr Trump has promised to those people in the election to have a decent life. Truely, they are a lot of votes there.

  Aother question that the reason why we have to support the high yield market of Asia is attributed to a personal reason. HC's Brothers put too much money in China who are afraid they could not get the money back. From the standpoint of Holding Company, their money are all borrowed from stakeholders. That are their employees and their stockholders. It is the reason why we have to support the market in order to help ourselves. I really hope we could get some understanding from the US and all American people. A lot of Taiwanese invest too much in China and could not get the money back. The Chinese Cummunist Party implements the capital control on their foreign reserve lately to stop capital flighting. Three trillion foreign reserve of PBOC is not quite enough for all Chinese people living in China because there are more than 100 trillions RMB circulated in the country. Could you imagine if  all the money, 100 trillion RMB of course, wants to exchange to other currency? They may need at least 17 trillion US dollars for the exchange. The truth is even the US does not have that much US dollars. It just reveals the truth that China brings out some hyperinflation worries. A lot of Taiwanese have nowhere to go this time when their money is stuck in China.

  In 2018, we may see a lot of conflicts between the US and China and between Russian and the US. Even we stand on the US side, we still have to make a living. People just put too much money in China. We need to face the problem. And we need some understanding from American people for the support of China's financial market. 2018 is a special year when a lot of conflicts may be resolved from the financial market changing. The market mechanism may shows its own power to the world. China has to face the music that it could not service its own debt by monetization (money printing without guarantee) endlessly. Or we may see hyperinflation happens in China, just like the story in Venezuela. 

  To me, China is a horrible story. It is a  horrible story we will never ge rid of and forget.


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Dear Mr. Trump:

   It is an embarassing situation to me to ask you to think through a lot of questions you face today. A first question is what kind of Fed Chairman or Chairwoman you want to help you move the economy of the U.S.A. A second question is what kind of the world you want American people have in this dynamic world.

  I still hope Mr. Trump should know those two questions better in the term as a leader. Lately, we find the unemployment rate in the United States goes even lower which makes all the economic theory not workable as used to be due to the vanish of the Phillips curve. Those theories are invented by many American scholars. This time, those theories are not workable as used to be because of the piling up debt in the United States. We don't see the tradeoff of unemployment rate with the inflation. The inflation is gone or even lower when people buy cheaper things to replace much expensive ones. All the manufacturing jobs go abroad and leave American people to be vulnerable. I still urge you to consider seriously about moving lots of jobs back to the United States, especially those necessity goods American people need every day. It is a must-be action even those goods may get more expensive for American people. The outflow of greenback is not permitted forever. American people could not live a life paycheck by paycheck. A greate leader should let all American people have food on the table and a happier life. therefore, Mr. Trump has to break the vicious circle for whole American people this time. Mr. Trump will be a great leader if he could do this one.

  For the concern I mention, I still ask you to rethink the reappointment of Mrs. Yellen as the Fed chairwoman. Mrs. Yellen cares about the unemployment rate even more than any Fed leader in the history. I think that is the reason why Mr. Trump get elected because those people do care about the job issue. A lot of poor white families are eager to have a decent life. Moving the necessity goods manufacturing in the United States is a must-be. If it is not workable through the market mechanism, the US governement could riase a fund to support the corporation manufacturing its own products in the United States. To be honest, it is not a mean strategy when American people spend billions of US dollars buying foreign manufacturing goods. How come leave money to foreigners?  How come not let American people spend money to help other American people? If the market mechanism doesn't work as Mr. Trump wishes, how come the government could not sponsor those activities that Ameican people would love to pay for their daily necessity needs manufactured by its own people?  That is Americans.

  A self sustainable economy is a good thing to stop the outflow of US greenback to foreign countries, especially when those countries use the greenback to harm the interest of American people. Mr Trump should consider a serious question when the Trump administration ask to lower corporate tax to 15%. The good thing is to let the greenback largely flow back to the United States. But there are a lot of consequences Mr. Trump could not see. The first one is how to face those money flow back to the United States when the house price and the stock market go even higher already. How to use those inflow well to create a better life for American people? The first thing people may think is to direct those money to the infrastructure project. How to make those investment workable and profitable needs the US government to help. How to use the market mechanism well to create even more jobs for whole American people, especially for those white male with lower education in the United States?  You know China does a lot of things to direct their industry development. They use the government intervention to direct its society changing and innovation, including financial technology innovation. The second thing is if it is a necessary thing to lower the tax rate that lower when the United States is a country using the globalization well in the world. I think that is not a good idea to let the corporate tax rate go to 15%. American people should figure out how to use those flowing back money well.

  The other question is if Mr. Trump wants to raise the tax for the rich people in the United States and to reduce the burden of the middle class for American people. This kind of fiscal policy should accomodate with the monetary policy. When the US government reduces the tax burden for the middle class of the United States, and at the same time we see the Fed raises the rate or to shrink its balance sheet to increase the interest payment of student loan, the mortgage and the credit loan. All the benefit goes to the banks but leaves little to the ordinary American people. It is not a wise idea. You can't want both of the reduction of US debt and the happiness of whole American people this time when the US goes through so much trouble already. Mr. Trump should ask the help from Mrs. Yellen when the Trump administration wants to reduce the tax burden of the middle class for American people in case to face a counter impact from the process of the normalization of US interest rate, that are to raise the Fed fund rate and to reduce the Fed's balance sheet. If the Fed raises the interst rate level or reduces its balabce sheet too soon too fast, it will largely reduce the benefit of the government's tax cut. We know the banks are so eager to see a higher interest rate level, then they could collect more interest. But this is not the case this time. When people get some money from tax refund but have to pay even higher interest payment from the mortgage, the loan and others, it will make the tax cut not workable as Mr. Trump thinks.

  Mr. Trump should think to reappoint Mrs. Yellen as the Fed's leader and ask the help from the elite society also in the United States. Mr. Trump should make the fiscal policy work perfectly with the monetary policy this time when we still not see any inflation happens in the period of even lower unemployment rate in the United States lately. The reason is obvious when American people still contrubite billions of US dollar to buying cheaper foreign goods. It doesn't make the United States better. American people should know better when they buy those goods made in the USA, it just brings more good things to themselves, American people. A self-sustainable economy is what  Americans want.

  To move the factories back is a must-be, especially those one who manufacture the necessirty goods American people need every day. To make the USA a self-sustainable society is the first priority for the Trump administration. Or we could not see the inflation go even higher when too many lower paid jobs created in the United States and American people still buy a lot of goods made outside the USA. Cheaper is not a good thing for Americans lately when American people need some higher paid jobs. To have a lot of manufacturing jobs first is important, then you will need managers to manage the corporate. After all of those jobs creation, then your MBA could have some values for the American society. Therefore, the borrowiing of student loans may have some meaning eventually. Or American people will still live in a vicious circle until they finally realize the importance of basic jobs, that is the manufacturing jobs.

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Mr. Trump:

   Sir, you do want to make some changes for whole American people. I think that is a great idea. But I have to ask you to postpone your conflict plans for one year. Lately, the US economy is fine and getting well. Now, the financial market runs smoothly and people could get some jobs to do in the US. The plan you want to implement should have a forward looking viewpoint. Tax cut is fine, but not this moment. If you give tax cut for the wealthy, you may expect the stock market goes even higher. So does the US property market. But the poor American people still could not reap the reward from your tax cut when they have not enough income to enjoy the benefit because a lot of American people get a lower-paid job. When is the proper time for the tax cut? People know that the right time is when a lot of American people have a well-paid job and the economy is getting soft. At the time, the tax cut could boost spending of ordinary people and keep the economy going. Now, the tax cut is a little premature.

  We do not want you to feel that people leave not many choices on the table to you. We want you to know that a lot of policies you want to do are good, but they all need to be implemented at proper time. Now the tax cut is not proper when the US government still faces the debt ceiling issue and there are not enough American people have a good job. People may expect the time comes when the unemployment rate goes down to 4% or even lower. We may expect some salary raising at the time. At then, the tax cut is much meaningful for whole American people. All the policies should be done at proper moment. The issue about when the time is proper depends on your economic consultants' advice. Infrastructure investing is good. Tax cut is nice. Some regulation refinements are excellent. But all those acts should depend on a big question - when is the right time to do that?

  What's wrong with the United States and the whole world? It is a question we have to ask. The first one is how come the Phillips curve relationship disappear in the US. In simple words, the question is how come the the lower unemployment rate does not push up the inflation. The second question is how come the property price in the United States could not be stablized at a proper place.

  For the first question, we have to understand the technology does play the role with the issue. If the corporate could find some ways to use machine learning and artificial intelligent to replace the repetable boring jobs people do all the time, then we may see those jobs disappear forever because the machine would never get tired and never have temper or emotion. The machine could do the job fine when the rule is stricly set. We should remember the booming age of personal computer and high speed super-computer in the United States. Now they are gone as the component price gets lower from a large production oversea. The most important thing is the technology updates even faster than people think. Artificial intelligent is with people in daily life for years. When we use iPhone or Andriod system, those applications are all with artificial intelligent and machine learning algorithm. When people ask something from Siri or other intelligent system, the machine learning algorithm plays the role. Those machines do grow up with more data they get for training. That is what we call the machine learning. The machine learns from the presetting algorithm with data they get from daily business.

  This factor creates the lost relationship of the Phillips curve, people could only find a lower-paid job when the automation and artificial intelligent play the role. Lower-paid jobs bring lower wealth to people and all the aggregation creates lower inflation. As the Milton Friedman, an Noble Economic prize winner, once said that inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. When people circulate tons of money among themselves, we may see the price goes up with much money chase few goods. But it is not the case we see in real life lately, especially for those ordinary American people. All the lower-paid job created does have something to do with the global supply chain. A college graduate student earns USD 650 a month in China. They have college degree and can perform machine learning algorithm if the corporates they serve have the software. What is the advantage that American people have? To be honest, not much if American people can not do the same thing smarter with different creation. It is the reason why we still see a lot of higher paid jobs find no American people to fill in. We even see a lot of greater universities in the United States create some programs to fill the need. For example, we see the Standford University has a program on Big Data with AI for those people who wants to work as a data science. It is an example that the American university tries to find a way out. To have some directions for American people to pursue in order to have a higher paid jobs. If those goals could be obtained, then we will see the situation that Phillips curve is alive eventually. Now, we see no clue how the Phillips curve revives. American people do pay a higher price for college education, but it seems not have much help for them to have a higher paid job sometimes. What's wrong? How to help American people allocate their resources in the right direction and have a greater life? It does need Mr. Trump to watch out and seek some ways to help.

  We do see some changes in the institution of higher education in the Unoted States. But all the harm they brinig, that is a tons of tuition fee for American people, is done and no remedy. People have to figure out how to pay down those debt with no proper skill they have for the need of  society. It is the problem American people face lately. We do see some programs have to be built from scratch and it does play some roles for the lately jobs creation. But how about those tuition fees those instituions create for ordinary American people? How to resolve the problem? We all know the answer is try to reeducate American people with college degree to have something the society needs. They need some programs for training to fit thenselves in the society.

  The second question is the property price goes much too high compared with the income increase of ordinary American people. It is the source to the proverty. People spend all their money on food and shelter and could have a way to save. It largely impacts the capital accumulation of American people. It is also the reason why we do not see the inflation comes in the United States because ordinary American people have nothing in their pocket after paying the necessity they need in daily life. The wealth discrepancy brings  even severe problem to the United States. That is the reason why the congress won't dare to abolish the Obamacare. People are afraid that they could not afford higher medical price and get themsleves in the spiral of proverty which  is a vicious circle.

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Silk Road porgram

  Silk Road program is indeed an ambition to China and the whole world. If it works, bringing new trades and new idea across middle Asia and the rest of the world, China will be the first economy in this world. Now when the United States tries hard to bring the USA back to the old day, China does try hard to improve the living standard in a different way. Listen carefully, Mr Trump does nothing wrong but with a totally wrong perception to preserve the value of democracy. If the United States goes on in this way. it is not hard to imagine why the United States is puting itself in a path of self-destruction.

Th perservation of old day in the Unoted States

  Old days are gone, it never goes back. It is a sure thing that Mr. Trump tries hard to resist. The ganster of Mr. Trump does preserve their wealth and their own family future. Mr. Trump tries hard to abolish the Obamacare but not to fix the holes the Obamacare faces. The big hole of Obamacare faces is the guarantee of central government to the healthcare system. If the government does not provide funding and helping, the universal health care system can not be done. Even the healthcare system does get itself done, without a proper mechanism design, the lower premium will bring many treatments cannot be done in the hostipal. American people have to pay for those treamtments themselves but not through the coinsurance mechanism to lower the cost and the price.

  Yes, if the United States uses trade barrier to protect its steel industry, it may have some temporary effect but not for a longer term. Steel is the element for production. If the production is for the US's self need, then the steel industry may bring some benefit for American workers. But if the steel is used for the export production, then the overproduction may bring disaster to American workers. The steel comapny could not make itself survive in a limited demand society for a long time. The simple idea to protect American workers may be effective in a short term but not the long run, the self-protection plan may be a totally wrong idea for the competitiveness of US steel industry.

The implication of Silk Road program

  Silk Road program is to find many new markets for China-made products. From the viewpoint of economic and production scale, China tries hard to build Silk Road program is for its own good to export many cheaper goods made in China. When the middle Asia is full of China-made goods, those nations could not have their industry production ability anymore. They may rely heavily on China's export a long long time. Their basic industry could not get a chance to develop. Under such a circumstance, we could expect the US steel industry would not find itself a place in those middle Asia markets because China is taking advantage of the Silk Road program. When Chian launches its Silk Road program and provides billions of US dollars for free to those middle Asiam nations, China does find a big way to export its overproduction and control the destiny of those middle Asia countries. Those middle Asia countries exchange their oil and materials for the China-made infrastructure, but it also make itself hard to develop its own basic industry. The basic industry includes steel, clothes, white goods and other daily needs. On the one hand, China has larger export surplus with the United States. On the other hand, Chian use those trade surplus to develop its Silk Road program for its own good. It is a brilliant idea for the future of China.

  Trade is good for now to those middle Asia nations. In the long term, the Silk Road program is another plan of expansion for China-made goods exporting. From the standpoint of the United States, it means the US steel industry could not find their export opportunity to those middle Asian nations hereafter. The united States ignores the reality of the whole new world and forgets the US has lost its power and influence to those middle Asian nations. So does the Russia. China is emerging and having greater influence to those middle Asia nations gradually. China brings new influence and impact to those nations. The most important thing is China has its leverage power to those middle Asia nations which the US and Russia lack.

Vegetable 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is quite a long day to leave here. I do not feel that I should be sorry for that. On he contrary, I am not an American. I am a citizen from the Republic of China, I follow my heart to be a patriot,

I am a professional. I should follow my heart to speak the truth. But it is not easy. I am glad we do change Mr. Trump a lot. Mr. Trump is a practical guy who is in title to be a great president. I believe he could and should. Here are what he should do...

(1) Reappoint Mrs. Yellen to be the Fed Chairwoman

(2)Make Obamacare a better one, not abolish it.

(3)Try hrd to make Aerican people have some money in their pockets to spend

(4)make the fudamental USA solid, not just try hard to make financial market not go down

(5)Help the USA to be more environment friendly

(6)Help  other democratic countries to preserve their democracy

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An accidently chosen one

  Mr. T, the gambler, seems not to fully understand he has been chosen to save his own ethnic group. Those people think he is one of them. Trust or hate seems to be relevant this time. People in the same ethnic group ask help from Mr. T this time. He is a chosen one by the specie. The dreamer, once a gambler, Mr. T has done a lot of things before he becomes a succeesful business man. He once wants to be an famous actor in the Broadway around twenty something. He starts his own casino business. He even gets broken on renovating old buildings. All those things give him many experience in his life. He divorces and gets married again many times. A lot of adventure things has happened on him. It reminds people that Steve Jobs, once gets lot of money from the success of launching Apple II, lives a life with many big failures in the PC industry. But Mr. Jobs finally becomes suceess when launching iMac, iPad and iPhone in the Apple corporation.

  Many people put great expectation on  Mr. T. The gambler should know it better not to let people down or he may be replaced four years after. It is not on purpose but accidently. Life is full of adventure in the place in which people create miracle but also face big failure. It is a place once be called a promised land in which seems not be that promising anymore. Deteriorating small towns drag the economy for so long. People lose their jobs due to the globalization. Mill and related business go bust for several years. China is rising with lots of production which brings impact to those towns. People depends on the production of those used to be is gone and never back. Ethnic group shows their nervous and disappointment to the authority. No one can blame this. Then they wait another miracle from Mr. T for now. The ethnic group hopes Mr. T could help them this time. They put higher expectation on Mr. T, hoping a man with superman-like image to save.

An illusion or reality of small town revival

  Mr. T's big failures don't make him to be afraid. That is a good thing. He always tells poeple he could win even it may fail. People love his confidence on the face. People hope he is not a big liar this time. Small town revival is on his hands. How to revive those towns may be a big question. But the world has some answers. The place is the most environmental unfriendly country we have ever seen. The ourdated PC, the oudated Pad, the used cars and other electronic components are shipped outside. Those wastes had been shipped outside for decades. People do not know the place has a missing part. That is the waste processing industry. It needs a lot of new technology turning the waste into gold. How to enable those recycling processes to be more environmental friendly seems to be a question to the world.

  Buy low and sell high is the principle for investment. Turing the wate in to gold is the same guideline if we have better technology. The whole world is full of garbage towns buring the waste and creating toxic air pollution with cancers. In the ecosystem of indstrialization of production and consumption, there is no greate solution for the waste until recent years. How to turn the waste into what they were needs lots of energy and tons of money without advanced technology. A nation with greater technology should get the job done to fill the last part of recycling for the manufacturing-consumption ecosystem. The small town can use latest new technology for the waste process, including paper and materials reusable. How to make those materials to be used again under the condition of low environmental burden is what the world needs. The place is a great nation who should know it better. The price of waste is low. If the recycing industry could use higher technology and lower energy to turn back those materials into where they were. It is a business that other world could not catch up. And the industry has not emerged in the place for so long. The place always ships out the used-out parts to other nations. This time, the last losing part of manufacturing in the ecosystem should be filled by a high technology country.

  The other part is environmental friendly business, Mr. Musk has preached to build many big factory of battery for electrical cars. To replace the fossil-fuel cars needs a greater plan. How to produce enough electricity is a big problem. If the country uses for coal for the electricity production, then the environmental issue has emerged again. It always leads us to the same question. How to revive smal  town business without environmental problem?

  It is a question Mr. O has no answer. But Mr. O has not noticed the whole world is changing on the recycling industry. There are a lot of nations using new technology to recycle their wastes and making profit. The place is a big producer of those electronic wastes. It will be a natural candidate for the development of waste processing industries. High Tech is a must be part for the waste processing industry. Accidently, the place has many intelligent engineers who may have the ability to turn those waste into a profitable business. Building factory in small town on the waste processing may be a natural choice for the place. The experience of other nations is using proper government intervention to create a fund on those recycling electronic parts through subsidy for the industry in the first place. Until the industry gets matured and stands on its own feet, the government could let itself go ahead. With proper incentive policy setting, it may create lots of jobs amid tons of electronic waste production all over the world. Maybe, it makes the place a country exporting precious materials.

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isA Gambler's Rising

  This man,  a gambler, waiting before the television to see the result. Let call this man Mr. T. Suddenly, a smile is shown on his face. After realize he may become the next leader of The Banana Republic. He knows he will rise in a strange way. He lives in a society with two dovodes stories. The gambler's living place has two totally different stories with different destinations. One is with rich story but with loan burden, car loans, student loans and mortgage loans. And the other is the poor tale in which those people refuse to take those burden. They live in a life with simple easily manipulated minds. The rich side tries hard to exproriate the poor with no education and no good decision making ability. The poor group is so easy to be influenced and moved which makes the reason why the place has two tales. The rich side tells people in the world that life is hard enough but they know what they are doing. The poor side is full of violence and misery amid the knowledge-less decision making process in life.

  The poor is a group with easly manipulated minds via social network systems. They twitter each other with exotic news and lust. They love the money making story in which they may not have in their whole lifes. They live in a world with fantasy and unreal things. They love to watch the exotic TV shows and pretend themselves living in the show. In reality, they are miserable with no enough knowledge and monetary strength to move on their lifes. The tale of the rich side may not be that great as we think. The rich tale tells us the people with knowledge love to make money from the expropriation such as the place's financial crisis. They ask the government's help to pay for the disaster after each disaster they make. They ask for the help from the whole world. And the whole world pays a big price to waste their own wealth in order to subsidize the rich tale side.

  This kind of story goes on and on for several decades after people living in the rich side realize they could game the system without paying anything. They could move other people's money into their own pockets if they can confuse people with poor stories to make wrong decisions. They don't have to pay the price but just cry for help from the authority. The connection between the people with rich side and the authority is important which makes the rich people even richer from the expropriation movement such as financial crisis and exotic actions in which people are foolish enough to give money in.

An unpratical plan

  Mr. O is a nice person who sympathizes the situation of the two tales' reality. It is the reason why he tries hard to rebalance those issues people face in daily life. It is a costly recipe to the place. He wants to build a national healthcare system making people have equal rights to see doctors and have good treatments with a perfect science. He know the divison between two tales because he has been in those two tales before. When he tries hard to transfer himself from one tale to the other, he pays a big price to have his life back. All of a sudden, he realizes the way to success depends on good advices from friends all over the world and a good team. It makes him excellent and to be remembered. Step down is a must be after eight year's service, Mr. O has to leave it behind and start a new life.

  The gambler, Mr. T, with TV show experience may bring his casino-stye life to the palace. He seems to know it less. The gambler knows how to gamble with the system to win but lacks of experience and insight of how to run the place. All those things had been said by the gambler may bring different consequences. All those things he promises may make the plan unpractical. An expell of foreigner without proper permission may harm the rental house market which may bring disaster to the gambler's own business. Take Japan as a good example which refuses the outsiders to move in  which brings the old town into a ghost city.  To abolish the healthcare project may bring the elder with no healthcare insurance paying more for their own treatments in the hospital. If the elder can't pay, then their offsprings have to pay. It decreases the wealth if people can't work together to have a well planned system which has bargaining power to reduce the cost and increase the welfare. All those things may just makes all those promises void. It is economics, instead of politics. Economic issue needs economic plan to solve. Political issue is about love and hate, to distroy those ones you hate is the end of that story. But economic thing goes on day by day. Day in and day out is what people face. The shelter, the food and those related issues need a lot of careful decisions making. It takes time and discussion to make it work. An unpractical plan not just makes the plan unworkable wich also brings unexpected consequences to people we love. It makes people think the gambler just doesn't know what he is doing. He may not be capable to make so many decisions. He may bring the place into a dark age people unexpect. 

A place with two tales

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