Dear American people:
It is a critical moment to rethink the relationship among the US and other nations in Central & South America. Without the trade between the US and China (PROC), every American should know that the falling of US techonology corporations may be inevitable. The reason is simple. The Red China really knows what it wants from the US. Red China wants the US technology to develop its own nation in a deeper way. The industrious Chinese is no one could deny or replace. Chinese could bear a lot of pain to have the goal get reached. The tradition could be found from other Asia countries like Taiwan and South Korea. Taiwanese could endure a lot of pain to have a much more happiness life then after. It is the reason why Chinese in the Red China love to spend lots of money to have the US technology. The deeper reason is to transform Red China into a technology super-power.
A lot of people outside the US may think the possibility that the US to stop the rising of Red China is a totally waste of time. People in the Red China would take every means to get what they want. Unless Mr. Trump starts to change his mind on the relationship with other nations in the continent of America. To be honest, we still believe the US needs to rebuild the whole supply chain in its own land. If that is not possible, then the US should ask itself a serious question - where is the second base of manufacturing? Taiwan, South Korea and Japan could be important middle goods manufacturing houses. But the US still lacks a second base to assemble those goods with cheaper labor. It makes the tariff of US on Red China hurting its own technology industry. If there is no second base or third base for those manufacturing, the the US should ask if those things could be automatic manufacturing in its own land. If the answer is still to be no. Then the US should ask itself further. Where is the next manufacturing place to have more US techonology goods exported?
My suggestion is central & south America. They still have cheaper labor. Of course, we know those people in Red China could bear lots of pain no other species could have. If lots of goods manufacturing could be resolved from automatic machine, then Americans should ask if those nations in the central America or the south America may be a second base or third base of final goods manufacturing. Also, if those nations could be export places for US technology?
I know that, in some sense, Mr. Trump is against the immigration from other central or south nations of America. The only solution to help those shit nations to revive may be more trade benefit giving to those ones. Let Mexico, central America nations and others be another great export places of US technology seems to be inevitable. If those nations have some higher paying jobs, then the immigration problem of US could be largely resolved. The conflict between the US and Mexico may be largely reduced from the new policy, that is to let those nations be a second base of final manufacturing goods served for the need of Americans. Also, the US should help those nations to have more capacity to buy the US technology to replace the lost trading part of Red China.
It is a critical moment as I mention. The US techonology needs another place to export except Red China. If the case is not the Africa, then the only answer seems to be central & south America.