My Dear American Fellows:
You face two tradeoffs now, one is the habit of saving and employment, and the other is the tradeoff of sovereign debt and financial cliff. The first one shows if Americans save too much, the ecnomy of the States will lose its momentum to go up further in a faster pace. The second one shows the tradeoff between the monetary policy and fiscal policy. Of course, you face the fiscal cliff because you put too much energy in the wars. You are fighting for wars you should not get involved in the first place. You should let people die in despair and desperation. The first of all shows American people get too much sympathy to each other, so you should have a heart of STONE to each other. You know there are 4.3 milloin American people who earn less than US 750 dollars a month. Those ones have been labeled as social worms or not-wanted ones to some prestigious politicians. I know how hard for a person to live a life like that. I live the life like that before and maybe I just live a life like that now. Live in a day with only 3 to 5 US dollars is not easy in the States. But we ALSO know there are a lot of people live in a life with their own investment incomes. And it brings a fortune to them and they DO SAVE A LOT. On the issue of fiscal policy, we DO SEE the BUSINESS-MINDER Americans do too much to this world and SAVE TOO MUCH LIVES but let American people live in a hunger and nutrition-less Society. It is the bad fruit you choose to eat. So you should retreat from all of the world and mind youe own BUSINESS. Then you will not have any FISCAL CLIFF anymore.
There is always a tradeoff when you choose to be a person with heart and care and sympathy. But charity starts at home, it is always a hard choice for you to choose how to live like this every day. Arguing may be too much. Fighting each other with words and nonsense may be too much. Get up and do something is crucial in the moment when you already know the problem you face and you have. Don't get yourself drunk again. Try to get yourself together and make yourself sober to this drunken world. Everything you try to teach the world always gets some big impact and feedback from people who live in the rest. It is not hard to know how you try hard to CHANGE THE WORLD. Maybe you have disputes, maybe you have different opinions about how the States whould be run. In the end, the rest of us always depends a lot on the principle your ancestor have taught US before - Alway be true to others and alway with a warm heart to others. Maybe it is taken as granted for the rest of the world. But it should not be abandoned as it is the core value you have. Get up, move on and DO NOT LOOK BACK!!!