Dear American people:
Mr. Ben Bernanke just helps American people to be in the half way of recovery process that means the rest part depends on the effort of all American people. The solution for the reduction of Fed's even larger balance sheet is the savings of USA. American people have to save even more to keep their well-above-the-world living standards alive. Mr. Ben Bernanke and his fellows do the right thing. They think the unemployment rate has to be tamed down. They treat the unemployment rate of the US as the first priority is nothing but a right decision. When people have jobs, they can pay taxes and do not need support from the government. When the economy gets better, their payrolls will increase. Then a good cycle begins. People can pay even more taxes to the government, and the Fed's book can be reduced little by little. Fed has done its part, people think the rest part is not left to God but to all American people. American fellows decide how and in what way the USA to pay down the US government debt and to trim down the Fed's book.
My Dear American people, the future is on your hand instead of others. You are in title to decide which path you want to be. Which way to decrease the Fed's balance sheet does have different costs and different wealth redistribution effects. If American people choose to increase the payroll tax on the wealthy people, then we do expect the larger sum of taxes collection can reduce the Fed's book in a faster pace. If American people choose to reduce the Fed's book by tax collections of all American people without changing its tax code, it does have to take a longer period of time to solve the Fed's huge balance sheet. It all depends on which path American people choose. My Dear American Fellows, it is a cross road you face today and it will trigger even more side effects if you choose a different path instead of a right one. And your kids and offsprings do have to take all these consequences. Please think through it carefully. People in the rest of world have to leave the decision to yourselves. That is not the choice people in other world can decide.
For the growth increase of GDP, according to the traditional American textbook on Economics, the USA should have antoher leading industries to gain their momentum and have larger growth prospects. American people have to revolutionize its anto industries and its transportation industries to catch up with the world. The high speed railway system may be a good idea if American people have budget for it. Some emerging industries can help American people devote their energy and money to have a better growth rate for the USA. That is what American people should take care in the following decade.