Dear American people:
It is a hard decision for you lately to decide how to help the people in Syria. We both know if American troop leaves Afghanistan sooner rather than later. The US economy may revive earlier rather than later. Mr. Bernanke had wondered how come the US economy can not back to its normal track. Many people think the reason is due to the heavy burden of Afghanistan and the larger wealth discrepacy in the US lately. You have to deploy a lot of troops in Afghanistan. You have to keep those American soliders back home safe and sound. It is always a scene we have to face. And there may have some people lost their boys there forever. We do know that there are many sorrows in the other side of world. Mr. Truman once decided to abandon the KMT regime in the mainland China. At the time, we see the cruelty of American people. Once Mr. Truman decides to stop the war against the Red China helping north Korea near the bounder of Korea land. We know what goes next. But if it just goes on and on, we also expect a big change may happen. We have to decide if we could afford the consequence. We have to ask ourselves if we could take the burden and the sorrow it creates. Or we just see a lot of American soldiers die for no solid reasons.
I know Mr. McCain is a tough man. He deserves our respect. He thinks it is time that American people should get invloved in Syria. Let's discuss the pros and the cons on the Syria military issue. To be honest, a lot of people see many cons but a few pros. If American people get invloved in the Syria, then we will see even higher interest rate happens in the US. Now, a lot of American people have mortgages to pay. And the US needs the housing sector and related businesses blossom to help American people have decent life back. If the war happens and Mr. Obama sends the US troops to Syria, then we may see American people have to take the burden of Afghanistan once again. We also know that the democracy is not deep rooted in those Arab nations. They do not realize the dispute must be resolved by vote rather than by fight. Some people even have wrong religion about the way of daily life. They do not respect the human rights. They do not respect the women. It is so hard to change their mind sets. How could you ask American soliders to fight for this no reason fighting? We know those refuges from Syria are miserable. No one thinks the war should go on and on. There is a question you have to think hard- If American soldiers get involved in the Syria issue but can not stop their fightings, what would you do? Would you want to get involved in the Syria war in the first place if those hard workings are in vain? Or you may think something alternative to resolve the issue. To remove the regime is the best solution to let Syria live in peace? Or it just brings another Iraq or Afghnistan to the world?
We all konw that if the people in Syria have no idea what democracy is, then the war is the prize they have to pay. If American generals can promise those people can learn a lot from their civil war and they will stop fighting each other after the US get involved, then you can send the troops. If those people just want another dictator or anthor strange way of daily life. And the life is as horrible as used to be or something we had seen in the old day of Afghnistan. Would you want American soliders to make those things happen?
God helps those who help themselves. The people in Syria have to think hard how to resolve this issue, just like the people in Vietnam. American soliders die for no reason when the people in the country doesn't want to have the way American people think they should be. They love to embrace communist when their wealth discrepancy is severe or they think their government is corrupted. That is the situation of Vietnam. Communist may not be a bad thing for the people in Vietnam at the time, just as those same stories happen in Red China. When people live in starvation, they will finally realize the virtue of free economy. When people live in a miserable and freedomless situaiton, they may finally realize the joy of true freedom. It is the thing they have to learn. They have to learn a hard way to cherish what they have. No one can replace their roles to live their own life. They have to learn those things by themselves. The civil war is the prize they have to pay. Even we do feel sorry for themselves, but we should not replace the role of God. God has its way. One day when the people in Syria finally realize the democracy and happiness is the most important thing, the people in Syria will find a way to stop those stupid things. I am so sorry to say that again. Do not get involved in the thing that is wrong in the first place because it is so hard to make people change unless they really want to be.
When the KMT leaves the mainland China in late 1950s, Chinese population is around 0.3 billions. Now the Chinese people in the Red China is around 1.2 to 1.4 billions. They chose to be that way. It is the consequence they have to face. Mr. Mao, their once leader, encourages their people to have more babies. Mr. Mao thinks it is a good way to against the Western world. It is the lesson Mr. Mao learns from the Korea war. Of course, it is not based on science. So the starvation comes. People in Red China finally realize the severe situation can't be stopped until they change. So they restrict parents to have more than one baby. The consequence still goes on and on. We still see the unresolvable situation happens in the Red China. It is the prize they have to pay. It is the thing they have to face. It is the way of life they chose, so is the consequence. Many people think the same way for Syria. People in Syria have to pay a big prize to learn those things. It is the life of Syria people that no one can replace. The situation is just like us, people in Taiwan, several decades ago. We learnt it in a hard way.