Dear American people:
I know you are suffering about the unemployment for a long time. For me, it is also a pain in the ass problem. I have to encourage you to save more even though you have a temporary part-time job. I have to encourage you to face the issue with a positive mind and try hard to grab any chance you could reach as soon as possible. No matter what a lousy jub you can find, just take the job and protect yourself carefully. It is a dynamic age. Capitalism is what we have to face. Those ones with greater capital just want to profit more. The only thing I can say is I still stand on your side. I believe people all around the world still fight the depression issue all together even though it is a pretty hard problem we have to face.
Many people think if any people around the world tries to against the idea of capitalism, it just brings bad things to the ordinary people. It won't harm any wealthy people at all. It anyone tries hard to against the America, it just hurt the ordinary American people. The unemployment issue is so hard to solve lately becasue you have a sophisticated pension system which brings a lot of burden to corporations. In finance, there is a calculation saying if the corporate has a lot of pension assets in hand, the WACC of its equity capital will be reduced. It helps the corporate to have more profitable investment as its WACC decreases. I really wonder if the American corporations can be that smart to have more pension assets on hand. I also wonder if American corporates just don't want to take the burden of American workers' retirement, so they just don't want to hire more American people. Even the cash-rich company like Apple, it repurchase its stocks rather than providing more jobs to American people. It really makes peple furious. But that is the reality. It is the thing we see lately and can do nothing about it. I really feel sorry to Mr. Obama when I see a kid with her father's resume hands it over to Mrs. Obama. It is a sad story to people. It just reminds us there are still a lot of people unemployed in the USA. People do feel sad about the unemployment issue. We have to face the reality if the story just goes on and on. We do see the limitation of US-QEs. We do see the limitation of other fiscal policy American authority brings in the USA. But Mr. Obama still shoud encourage corporations invest in the USA and bring jobs back to the States. It will never be an easy issue. But we just have to go on and on no matter how hard it is. No matter how hard a road is in front of us.
Dear American people, yo just have to go on and on no matter how hard you may face. You just have to march on no matter how long the road it is. No turning back! Don't look down to yourself. No matter how hard it is, just go on and on.