Dear American people:
I know you are excited lately and many American people have a good life as the 2008 crisis was far far away. But I have to remind you that the reconstruction road is just in the middle. American people need to save more to buy back a lot of US Treasuries from the Fed. American people need to save more to help the US government pay down those piling debt which was used to save the 2008 crisis. Those brudens need to be relieved by the savings of ordinary American people.
Dear American fellows, this time is no different. You need to educate yourself and your neighbors that the saving is the only remedy to against the large piled-up US debt. The saving can save your offsprings from the burden. The savings can help yourselves get away from the vicious circle of endless debt payment. Dear American people, I just need to draw your attention on the issue of savings. American people save too little. American people need to save more to help the society back on its glory old path.