
Dear American people:

  American people should help each other to have a decend job and a life with happiness. No matter what dire situation poeple may face, please move on without hesitation. Just follow with your own conscious. Never give up. Always try to survive and help each other to live upon.

  I am not against Wall Street. But I do against those people who say the customer is their first priority but create a lot of nonsense & worthless financial products and sell those ones to innocence people at higher prices. On the other hand, they also short those financial instruments heavily to reward themselves. It is the part I hate most. I think American people treat those criminals too kind and even with careless. I do think the fine is not enough to stop those crimes happen again. But I do not have any better ideas for those kind of things, either.

  After all those years of rising financial markets around the world, we have to face the music. The US citizens have to face some well-known serious issues for years. The first one is the US government debt is more than 18 trillion USD, including 4.5 trillion US goverment debt held in the Fed's balance sheet. The burden of interest payment may crash the US society eventually. The people in the USA have to consider the issue seriously. I do not know if the US government could ask its debtholders to waive or restructure some, but the US has to face it eventually. To raise tax for super rich families is a have-to-be. To increase tax for those ugly financial transactions seems to be plausible. To reduce the cost of healthcare is a have-to-be-done. All those things breed another serious issue - the malfunction of US democratic system. A lot of people use the free market ideology as an excuse to protect their own interest but care less about the daily need of ordinary American people. In Taiwan, we try hard to reduce the price of medicine which makes big drug companies really upset. It brings another side effect where doctors can not be served by those drug companies well anymore. It may happen in the USA sooner rather than later. The medicare cost goes too high and too soon in the USA. All it brings to the fundamental issue - the quality of democracy - because we know how the congress reacts to those issues reluctantly. The often used slogan by the US Congress to do nothing is the free market mechanism. I don't think Mr. Obama is totally right because the communication seems to be a big failure between the White House and the US Congress. But American people have to be reminded that all advanced nations have a well functioning and efficient national healthcare system except the USA. It is a serious thing that the people lives in the home of braves should notice and think in a hard way.

  The second issue the USA should care is how the Fed reacts to those situations, including the internal fighting of mainland China and the collapsing of emerging markets. People do worry about the cost of raising Fed fund rate too quick and too soon may be harm. On the other side, if the Fed raises the rate too little and too slow, it may bring another disaster to the USA financial market because the property price may lose its gravity. The interest rate normalization could largely reduce the speculation of financial market and let the fund be located in a better way as it should be. There is always a tradeoff beteween raising and not raising rate. This time, the rate raising is good for the USA.

  In the same time, the USA does face many disputes in many ways - The lifestyle, the way of living in a ordinary life and the way to face the world problem. Consumption seems to be a true driver for the US society in old days. But a lot of US big corporations believe the USA can't grow more than two or two and a half percent each year anymore. The reason is due to the too much higher living standard and too much stringent retirement or pension cost of ordinary American workers. The latest important cost is the Obamacare which may bring trillions visible debt to US corporations if the medicare cost could not be resolved in a proper way. It may bring even more doubt to hire more American people these days. If the issue can not be resolved progressively, all those cost have to be taken by all American people in a debt form of US TreasuryMr. Trump does believe the US has a better system which makes all those resources be allocated efficiently. But Mr. Trump would not dare to say the cost of medicine or medicare in the USA is the most efficient compared to other nations. The truth is the USA has the most lousy medicare system which is expensive and inefficient compared with others. On the other hand, it does bring a lot of new jobs for American people because the reward is tremendous but not reasonable. All the reason is due to the free market mechanism. But we know the debt level of US household can not go on forever. It leads to a serious question, what if the consumption can not play a bigger role for the USA anymore because the debt of household may be too high already. In this case, what else can be the driving force to the growth of USA? The answer seems to be obvious - investment. Only new investments bring new wealth to American people and the USA. Big US corporations should stop buyback shares and pay lucrative dividends only.

  This time, the USA should play the role as those years the mainland China does. We may expect the switch role of China and the USA. China transforms itself in the mode of consumption and the USA transforms to investment. China may waste too much money to invest itself already but the USA knows how to intelligently allocate fund because of a well functioning financial system. To renovate all those older stuffs of USA seems to be the first priority lately. The USA needs high-speed railroad. The USA needs new ways of thinking on how to let student learning cost be trim down in a reasonable range. The USA has to think hard how to make those technologies be used for creating more jobs for American people. Those kind of things have not be done by Mr. Obama and the US congress enough. It should be done by all American people. The free market mechanism is not an excuse amymore. Innovation should become as a useful money-making machine in the USA through a lot of subsidies from the US government, including the state governments and the central one, just like old days. Mainland China uses a lot of susidies for their own enterprises is right because the USA has done the same thing a couple of decades ago. It is the thing Mr. Trump seems to get it wrong. It is the thing even Ms. Hilary seems not to know it well.

  If the US wants to have a leap growth rate again, then the USA needs lots of social evolutions. To change the lifestyle which does not depend on oil-based drivers is the issue. To have a better and cheaper education system is anthor. To make American people live healthier and happier is the other. All those things may bring a new lifestyle and some new concepts on how to have a decent life in the US. American people should try to change their mindset such as how to develop a more efficient share economy and how to live in a more environment-friendly world. The Japanese people buy less cars even Toyota makes a lot of cars around the world in this decade. People in the mainland China use high-speed railroad more often and try to innovate their ways of living on a share economy in a more energy efficient way. All those things may bring down the living cost larger than American people could conceive. If American people want to have more than five percent economic growth rate each year, then the first priority is to give up the olddy and to embrace a new way of living.

  A lower education cost but with better quality is obtainable through high techs. A lower cost of medicare is reachable through the reconstruction of healthcare system. A lower oil consumption is through the implementation of share economy and high techs. The USA has those techs already but does not use them well because of the free market ideology. A lot of people with those knowledge want to earn more money in the USA. So American people have to come out with some ways to let those people feel happy to give and let ordinary American people use those techs in a much cheaper way.

  China has not done those things well those years because they still do not know how to use those well yet as American people do. But China learns faster when they use cyber hackers to get those techs for free from the USA and the world. It is not right. But China does change its face lately that the USA could not ignore. China adopts a new way of thinking to re-emerge itself in the world lately.

  What's about the USA? How does it react to all those problems? Do your best, and leave the rest to God ??!!

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