寫在前面:談到Capital Budgeting時,我們必須注意到在計算NPV時兩個非常重要的元素:After-tax cash flows以及thr required rate of return,這兩個部分構成了我們下面幾個主題,包含Capital budgeting, capital structure,以及Dividend policy for the corporate value等主題,以及到後面我們再談Equity valuation的幾個重要觀念!!!
Hello there:
(1) 再來細談如何進行capital budgeting後的計畫選擇!!當兩個年限不同的計劃相比時,我們一般並不直接採用NPV值的比較,因其可能在NPV上佔優勢,但在IRR上卻是比較差的!!一般採用的是EAA法與Least Common multiplier法!!前者EAA法主要的想法為將NPV值當成當其的PV,然後求取
Equivalent Annual Annuity
= PMT(PV=NPV, I/Y = required rate of return, n = 原來計劃的年限)
(2) Real options valuation: Real options主要談的是Capital budgeting有彈性的進行tree-scenario analysis,因此能夠將其NPV做更深入的展現!!Real options面對的是Real assets的運用,與financial options面對的是financial assets是不太相同的,但計算的原則backward-looking calculation principle卻是相同的,主要還是對於未來的事件用tree來展現進行其options價值的計算!!!
Real options
= NPV (without the option) - options cost + options of the value-increasing decision
(3) Economic Income, Economic profit and Accounting Income:EI主要是要求算EVA,而EP則為求算MVA!!Accounting income就是傳統的Net Income,而Economic income則為以市場現金流量折現值加總的差異作為Economic depreciation的計算方式,簡單的說就是
Economic Income
= After-tax Cash flow at the period t + Diff. Market value at the period t
Diff Market Value at the period t
= Market Value at the period (t-1) - Market Value at the period t
Market Value at the period t
= Sum of (after-tax cash flow in each period discounted at the WACC)
從這裡也引申出一個重要的觀念,那就是Economic depreciation通常都比Accounting depreciation來得變動大,因為Accounting depreciation主要是談企業價值的Smoothing,但Economic depreciation主要連結的是現金流量的折現加總,也因此引申出Economic Income在初期是遠遠小於Accounting Income的!!
而Net Income 所採用的depreciation則為傳統的accounting depreciation,我們可以知道一般的Economic depreciation會比accounting depreciation要來得大的多!!因此也使得Economic income所採用的現金流量折現法比較接近事實上我們想知道的capital budgeting value!!
至於Economic profit 則為 NOPAT(Net operating profit after tax) 減掉 $WACC(dollar cost of capital),基本上它是一個計算計畫超額利潤的觀念,採用的是會計報表上的數據!!
Economic Profit
= EBIT * (1- tax rate) - WACC * Invested Capital
從這裡我們可以找到與後面Equity Valuation相關的觀念,因為不論是Economic Profit,Economic Income還是Accounting Income其折現率都採用WACC的觀念!!Also note that as the WACC equals the economic rate of return, we have the NPV as the sum of all economic profit discounted by the WACC!!
如果今年我們想用Equity的觀念來看,也就是想採用the required return on equity的想法來看我們計畫的NPV計算....則我們將見到下列的關係:
NPV = Market Value Added (MVA)
= Sum of (Economic Profit for each period discounted by the WACC)
在這裡WACC可以視為是required Return on Asset (ROA)!!
Residual Income 主要談的是企業Equity的價值,因此其主軸是the return on equity(ROE) 而其概念為
RI(t) = Net Income - r(e) * BVE(t-1),
where r(e) is the required rate of return on Equity and the BVE(t-1) is the book value of equity at the period (t-1)
NPV = Sum of (Residual Income for each period discounted by the required rate of return on Equity, r(e))
在這裡r(e)可以視為是required Return on Equity (ROE)!!
值得注意的是WACC主要是由the Market Value of Equity與Market Value of Debt所構成,它的權重成分相對應的是the required return on equity與the required return on debt or bond,但在計算RI時,我們用的是the required return on equity 乘以 Equity的帳面價值,主因當然是我們再談RI時,談的是當期Equity對於企業價值增加的部分,因此必須扣除原來帳上價值所產生的利息收益!!!
(F)小結: EI, EP都是採用WACC,但是RI確實將焦點放在the required return on equity上面!NPV可以用EP+WACC來計算,也可以用RI+required ROE來計算!!