
My dear American fellows:

  Maybe it is time to think about the QE3 right now when all the economic message shows the warm spring is about the end and people do spend a lot but they earn not much. I know that is not much enough to create more jobs as we wish before. But the detail implementation of QE3 have to be think thoroughly because we already see the limit of yield curve twist operation and the QE3 may bring higher inflation expectation. Especially right now, some American industries count on higher oil price to produce some expensive oil-related products. If the price of oil is not that high, we may not see those new emerging industry to boom and rise. That is the changing face we see, but we have no idea how much capability we have to tolerate the normal age of higher oil price. I guess that is for sure. There is no turning back for oil price to be tamed in the near future. That is the most dangerous thing for the implementation of QE3!! There seems to be a contradiction for the QE3 implementation and the new oil-related industry emerging for US to go on, that is the issue you have to resolve!!

  If long-lasting higher level of oil price becomes reality, it is good for US to adapt itself and lead the world into the energy-saved transportation industries or something and even a new lifestype. It is time for US to revolutionize itself again because we do face the danger of less and less natural resource to consume. New industry creation seems to be the only way for us to accomodate.

  The other way to increase the employment rate is the creation of a new healthcare system as it will increase the need of manpower and those jobs can not be moved to overseas as it is the human-care business of aged people or patients. The revolution of national healthcare system seems to be the time for US. In Taiwan, we also put the idea that rich people should take more burden for the care of poor, so we even create some incremental-fee-added payment to rich people who has higher monthly salary to pay just a little more each month. Or the system can not be sustainable because the healthcare cost does increase every year.

  Right now, Americans face a new challenge. Many big corporations have tons of money but get no place to spend or invest, it creates the problem that those money can not be used to create new jobs. And it is also the reason why US stock market is booming right now. Because every time the market goes down, it just induces the people to buy back its share and make the share price to be sustainable. It is a reality we just see and still be true for the near future to come. But it can not go on forever. The reason behind is those financial activities create no new wealth but just make corporation to have less cash on hand gradually. So right now, American needs some new industries for people to invest and creates new jobs for people to live on. I guess the healthcare industry may be a good idea. But it is so hard to implement it and need careful judgement and balance for each side.

  To be honest, it is not an easy job not matter who is president and which party is in control. So...May God bless all of us!!

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