My Dear American fellows:
As the article written by Prof. Farmer on the Financial Time today, April first, 2013, I know American people finally understand what the Fed are doing and what it tries hard to do in those years from 2009. There ia a picture who shows Mr Bernanke who is praying to God under his knees. I know he hopes God give him strength to help the State through the dire moment.
Now the storm is away, but the broken ship of USA has not been restored yet. You still have a long way to go to keep yourself safe and sound in the following several decades to come. The first of all, the income inequality issue has to be mended. Just as the song sining" How can you mend this broken heart? How can you stop the rain from falling down? How can you stop the sun from shining what makes the world to go around? How can you mend this broken men?...." I guess those men here mean the American fellows of you. We need you to mend yourselves and show the strength and courage of your founding fathers have done before. To mend the income inequality through tax rate code fix, through the better redistribution of your wealth including investment wealth or something else, through a better scheme on the education subsidies, through a more equal chance or subsidies for the poor on the health issue, through a lot of social transfers to the poors. It has to be done without hesitate.
My dear American fellows, it is the opportunity you have once in a decade now to fix the system you face. Of course, these days you show the world that American financial system has never be failed but just shows itself how it can be run smoothly but notoriously. As those rich people get most of the benefit of QEs and ITs, you just show the world how the greatness of American financial system can be and how it can generate wealth through such a system to bring all those goodies to all American weathier families. Those one who are able to make fortune just reap the most benefit of those QEx. Those one who can not assess those benefits through the financial system just put themselves in a more poor conditon that is even worse than those Fed actions implement before. It is the problem that you have to face.
The issue here is how to bring such a good system to all those people or families of Americans, not just the wealthy families can reap those benefits. I have to remind you and just keep trying to do that. The greatness American society can bring to itself is a society with better system of wealth redistribution. The more narrow income ineqality society can bring a bigger fortune to everyone in the society. When people feel they have been treated fairly, it just give them strength to fight for their own daily lifes. The more deep pocket middle classes have can bring even larger wealth to the whole society. That is what American people count on before. That is what your founding fatheres are fighting for, a more equal society and a wealthier middle class of the USA. In short, you have to come out with something new and just keep negotiation with different parties on the issue of income inequality. You have to show the world that the State is still a promised land as used to be. You have to show the world you have the strength and courage as used to be even it is much harder than you think than those old good days. The inequality of incomes issue has to be addressed several times repeatly without stop until it get itself mended.