
Dear American people:

  Obamacare is what you need desperately NOW, especially this time. When your people get their paychecks largerly less than few years ago. The USA need a big overhaul, but it can not be done in one day. Everything has to be discussed and has some concensus. We, ROC, or you call Taiwan, have the national heathcare system. Our doctors and nurses get much less paided, and sacrifice a lot of things on their fanily needs in order to support the system.

  As your talk show queen onces mentioned, it just can not happen in the States. For the beginning, your medical school need more funds to have a good doctor produced, how can you expect those doctors ask less money when they have a big burden of their tuitions in the school? They paid a lot on it. Every doctor has its school debt after they just graduated and become a doctor. How can you expect they sacrifice a lot to save others for free or almost nothing when they need to pay for those costs? Just as your MBA, everyone paid a big buck to graduate and become a master. How can you expect those ones do a lot of things without a big paid? So you may say that is the reason why it needs the government support. But it comes to a question. How much should the government pay for it? How to get those money to pay for it? In our experience, if the governement does not want to pay for it and does not want to ask the wealthy people to support, then all it has to do is to use the FLAT headcount TAX for all people in the country. Then it comes to the issue, those burden just goes to the middle class as the poor families have no money to pay for it. So they just do not pay for it even the governement impose a lot of restrictions on them. To cut their medicare, to not them join or use the healthcare system, to let them be discriminated or look down will get the attention of media that everyone thinks the government is cold blooded. They have no money, and we are a nation with democratic society. So in the end, we just let them use the national healthcare for FREE. We do not ask them to pay for the money they owe to the healthcare system unless they can have some decent jobs. But who knows when... We do not ask them to pay for it and we also give them some subsidies, the government transfers, if their family members need other things like school tuition, meals for every day life, etc. In the end, we find that our middle class is just disappearing even faster as their burden just get even bigger. And the government do not dare to ask the wealthy people to pay a little bit more for the healthcare system. So that is the situation we have. The others is we have poor doctors and nurses, they are so easy to have cancer than those doctors and nurses in other nations because they are so tired to cpoe with patients. And that is the reason why our government uses a lot of nonsense to cut the payments to doctors even they use right treatments on patients. Our healthcare authority just does not want to pay all of them and leave doctors or hospitals to cover those costs. They use a lot of excuses to refuse to pay for those treatments. It is the truth in our nation. So they just transfer those burdens on our doctors, nurses and hospitals. Is that what you want?

  It comes to your mind, if the Obamacare does work? If it does, then you have to change your a lot of things and even your mindsets on the issue. It is more than you know or imagine. On how much money you need to raise a mature doctor, on how much money you need to pay for the Obamacare. Even on how many items the Obamacare has to pay for. If the flu or other treatment without to stay in the hospital can be covered and that is all in the Obamacare. Will that be O.K. with you? Other things need a big operation or daily care do not be covered ny the Obamacare, is that O.K. with you?

  In our experience, it is not O.K. The reason is that our system wants to help those ones need daily care or daily assistant like kidney issue ot other natural defections. So everyone pays some for those who need that kind of treatment. The youngsters pays some even they do not use the system. The elder people get the most benefit when they just get old and need some hospital-stayed treatments. So it comes to another question, if your pension system does not need to pay for it anymore, will you want to have a burdenless pension system in order to change for those treatments covered in the Obamacare? Everything is connected with each other. Everything needs to be considered thoroughly if you want the Obamacare to be workable.

  It is a issue of some gain and some lose, you need to cut something in order to subsidy others. That is the reason why the Obamacare in some sense means a big society overhaul for your nation somehow.


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