Dear American Fellows:
A greateness USA is gone for a long time. You overlook the burden of the world instead look at your own problems. The poor issue, the less education issue and the debt burden issue are all American should face. The discrepancy of wealthy people and poor ones in the States is more severe than you thought. The important ones are as follows: The first one is the problem of decreasing or shrinking manufacture jobs provided in the States. You often want to get the whole world's resources employed for your own good. People in many countries may not be that grateful to what you have done. Of course, I am grateful to what you have helped us for such a long time. But it has its limitation, We just can not waste our own savings to do the senseless thing - to join the careless and HORRIBLE money game you played in those years.
The second one is Americans have to save their own country by saving more and to keep your financial system with a fairly distributive rule. The fairness here means that everyone wants to get richer, he or she has to work hard. The risk taking business should be rewarded on its creativity and entrepreneur. You should not make a fortune on the expense of others' savings. It is wrong. The financial system should benefit the hard-working ones instead merit the gamblers. Those who do nothing but the money games should be punished. It builds nothing but just piles up the indices means that you have to face the consequence if those indices just go down AGAIN. A vicious circle happens again and again in those years when we see some wealth redistributive cycles of bad money games. The riches get even richer, but the poors gets even poorer. It should be forbidden.
There ia an article written by Dr. Titman in the Journal of Finance, 2013, which mentions about the negative externalities of financial investments. The USA seems to fall in such a vicious circle these days. The boom and bust financial markets just show the wealth redistribution from the governments of weastern nations to the wealthy people, from the taxes collected from each western nations to the private equity owners or hedge funders. It is undeniable that there are good private equity owners who invest in the FaceBook, the Apple corporation and other well known technology firms. But there are a plentiful ones who just move the gold bars from the system to their homes. The disgusted money game just can not repeat itself anymore.
Americans have to change their mindsets that "the cheaper" is not the best way to live. Amercians people should have their national ideology that ones should buy a lot stuffs manufactured in the States, just like those people of South Korea. South Koreans love to buy Samsung, LG, and other things manufactured by themselves. Americans just want to buy cheaper things and do not care if it is manufactured in the States. You can go to the souvenir stores of Metropolitan museum located in the New York city, you will find out that ALL is NOT MADE in the USA. I was surprised by this kind of things several years ago. When I tried to bring home with something made in the USA, I got no one. So I decided to buy NOTHING. It is a warning sign. Besides, the warning also tells us that your people even do not buy daily necessities that is made in the USA amymore.Yes, it may be more expensive but it provides jobs. How can you expect people live in the States have money to save if they can not get decent jobs? It is wrong. The free market spirit should be preserved, but some of those products should be built in the States if you really want to save more money.
The good cycle begins from the jobs creation, to the money saving and to the well functioning financial markets, and it just bring the wealthy people to take risk and build something new, so more job created and more money can be saved by the Americans. The good cycle has to be rebuilt and the old-bad-money-game has to be shattered.
It is a common sense but it just should be repeated all the time until American people get those messages done in the future. Or you will never solve the wealth inequality issue between wealthy families and poor ones. And the middle class of American will disappear even further than you know NOW.
Make a big change and no more money games,PLEASE. May God bless you.