Dear American people:
As you know, you have the most lowest growth and the most well lagged employment growth rate in those decades. It just reminds us the situation before the WW1 and WW2 and between them, the great depression of 1930s. The solution for the US depression is by using the large investment on the infrastructure and the mass production of weapons for other nations. The most important one is to force American people to save a lot during the years of war and to loan lots of money for weatern European countries to rebuild their world. Those kind of ideas are mainly focus on how to increase American's savings and use them properly. It solves the American depression and bring the prosper to the States for more than fifty years after the WWII. During and before those derpession years, your grandparents or grandgrand ones waste all their savings on houses and crazy investments. Now you face the same problems. At the old time, your politican promotes many ways to solve the problem. The most effective one is the infrastructure investment. From today's perspective, it seems to be an outdated strategy as the USA now has the most porfitable service industries, incluing the most profitable financial institutions, the retailer chain stores like the WalMart and the MacDonald, the airplane builders and military service providers. People think American have a lot of opportunities who can communicate with each other easier and more cheaper way to reduce the cost of domestic trade. People think that is the reason why you do not need the super-highway transportation unless you have the budget.
The experience of China shows when a larger amount of money is accumulated in the specific group, we may see the rent cost go up as a lot of people have to rent a house. The more house vacancy of China big cities have, the higher rent it brings to the house renter for the compensation of houseowners. There is a statistic that shows a Chinese youngster owns more than 280 houses as his parents has accumulated so much wealth and invest it on houses. On the other hand, there are million of Chinese middle class who just can not afford to own a house. It is pretty odd in China. But it is the reality for Chinese people in the mainland. It also shows that in the situaiton where a lot of people rent a house, the rising rent cost just reduce their purchasing power more than we know. For those who just get a temporary instead a regular permanent job, those kind of situations just make it worse. So is the USA.
American People may lose faith on a lot of things. American people show us repeatedly that the cost of higher education is much a higher burden in the USA than other nations. To be honest, America has a higher quality of advanced education compared with other nations. But it does cost people a fortune. That is the reason why American youngsters have to use 5 or 7 years to pay down their student loans. After that, they may have some money to save. People are fully aware that the student loans is the most important obstacle for the American youngsters. (So is Taiwan NOW.) And the report also shows that there are around a quarter unemployment rate between 17 to 26 years American old people who can not find a decent job. (So does Taiwan NOW, maybe we are lower, bu the figure is still around a fifth.) This is a warning sign that America just can not produce enough jobs for the those young people. It also shows the education can not promise their bright futures in the USA. I also notice that the US government tries hard to reduce its burden of government employment, including the US Mail system and the Federal government. Those bad news also deter the employment and make the issue more severe than anyone can imagine. So all the house issue just goes back to the employment and wage raising ones. The severe employment issue brings the lower wages and higher house rents for Americans right now.
I do not believe that if the Republican gets the president's seat can resolve the problem, because it is structural. The wealth redistribution effect is not that obvious this time during those QE times and you just do not have the leader who is determined to raise the taxes for the rich and waive the burden for the poor which can increase the saving rate of the poor. The well-function financial market just get the situation even worse. It lets the rich can accumulated their wealth more easily and make the poor feel relatively poorer. The history always teaches us the tax reform is a must-be-that-way for the America today. That is the lesson from the great depression of last century. A more wealth distributed nation is good for investment and consumption. It is not the case for Americans now. That is why you should work hard on those issues. Or Americans will just see the dark side of democracy which shows those men or womem who have the power just take care those ones who have deep pockets instead those ones with no prospect. And the poor are ignored and left in the desert without a way out. All American politicans should do is to take care the eighty percent poor Americans and give them hope and prosper.
Dear American people, you have to write to your senators to ask for the tax reform NOW. You may face the unemployment problem sooner or later even if you have the job now. If you do not change the course of the USA, you will see the USA is dying every day. The tax reform and the national healthcare system have to be done step by step NOW. The wealth redistribution has to be implemented by those actions. If you do not try to change the wrong course, the youngsters could not have the chance to have a decent job. Then we will see the vicious circle run over all those things again and again.
My Dear American fellows, it is time to act now. You have to change the way that the America is run today. Do not let the bad situation happen all over again and again. Do not let America to be another Japan. May God bless you!