Dear American people:
You are on the turning point or the crossroad. Turn left and become even extreme, turn right and become even conservative. Or stay in the neutral and keep it that way is your own choice. Every American citizen should realize that the USA is not just an empty concept but a real thing. People in the USA should fully aware that people all around the world are in the most strange year after the 2008 financial crisis. Which way to go is on every US citizen's hands. And it largely impacts other people's life.
You can choose to turn back and stop moving on. Or you could choose to face the music and do not let it stop. We all know the debt-to-income ratio of every American household is near the top of used to be. We all know that payroll increase is not enough in the USA. We all know that American people can not save more and keep consuming. We all know that it is a tough choice people have to face. We all know that it is just as hard as used to be and American people have to choose to move on. Meet it half way is not a good idea. To face and to solve the deep issue is what you have to be. Saving and consuming should be reconciled ? Or just try hard to increase the payroll. To keep the USA move on depends largely on how much American people can save. It is always to be that way. No one can deny.
Move on, my dear American fellows. No turn back. Move on, American citizens. Don't give up. America is just in the middle stage of reconstruction which is even harder than everybody knows. But it is a road to the glory. Fight for your own destiny. Fight for your own life is a have-to-be-that-way. Dear American fellows. This time is no different. Please remember, God help those who help themselves.
Do your best and leave the rest to God. May God bless all of you.