
Dear American people:

  It seems to be a long road when you are on your own. Sorry to borrow the lyrics. The light seems to be brighter when you are out of tune already. Now the sunuy day is comming. All you have to do is to embrace and to cherish. Don't mess it up again when everything turns better.

  Lately, people all around the world discuss the appreciation of USD. It is a decison with both better and worse outcomes. On the bright side, we all know that as the USD appreciates even higher, it brings the fund back to the States. And the first benefit goes to the homeowner, people will expect the long term rate goes lower when the funding pool is full. It will bring the consumption power to Americans which may bring export increase of other countries. People may see the appreciation of USD as a win-win situation for somwhow. On the other hand, it is not without cost. The cost is more higher burden of US Treasuries. The more the US Dollar appreciates, the more burnden the US Treasuries face. Of course, people may have some different opinions as the fund flows back to the USA, it may bring the funding cost of US industries to be even lower rather higher. A higher appreciation of USD just means that American people can not get any benefit from other countries' government bonds. The yield of other countries' bonds will be lower in order to attract people to buy when the US dollar appreciates more than people know. Or the yield of other countries' bonds just get even higher when people choose to leave those behind.

  It is a better or a worse age which depends on how we look at the appreciation of USD. In the end, there should be a balance between the USD and other issues. Dear American fellows, it is the issue you have to find out. How to bring back decent full-time jobs to ordinary American people is the big issue we face lately. It is not deniable that the US gets bigger improvement compared to other nations in Europe and Asia. The USA job market shows its resilience to the hard time and the not-so-much-imporved payroll increase. American people have more opportunities than other nations' people on the job issue. Many people with higher education all around the world can not even have a decent part-time job than American people do. It is a serious problem we have to face.

  Dear American fellows, we still count on the improvement of US job markets to absorb the world productions. We still count on American to develop its mid-cap or small-cap emerging corporations. We still rely on the innovation of USA. Dear American people, could you help the world to move on wihout looking back? Could you help people all around the world to see a new way of how to convert the part-time job workers to the full-time job workers? It is a big issue the world needs to know.

    創作者 Vegetable 的頭像


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