Dear American people:
Now we see a big failure of IBM, the once great corporation which it just kills itself little by little. How come? Yes, the hareware manufacture may be so hard to live in the USA. How about the foundry? How about the new R&D on the facility provider to the next generation wafer foundry? We see the IBM pays a lot to let the Global foundry to have its intelectual properties. We see the IBM is losing its best IPs- the talent people all around the world. We see the most talented people in the IBM choose to work for another corporations. Maybe that is not a bad idea for those people, but it does harm to the future of IBM. All those things do happen every day in the IBM. Could the IBM prevent itself from falling? How to deal with it?
The failure atmosphere is inside the Blue Giant. The failure thought is rooted in the heart of all IBM employees who are afraid of losing their jobs. The wrong path IBM chooses before let itself live in a bitter taste. IBM spends too much money in the lab without promising products and doesn't listen carefully to what business wants. It spends too much money on the labs and doesn't try hard to protect those IPs now. It should spin itself into several parts just like what HP does these days. It should refocus on its R&D on three most important things (1)the database system : the relational or the parallel database ;(2)the foundry or to be the next generation wafer building facilities provider; (3) the softwares integration IBM boughts before around ths world for the business intelligence. IBM should refocus itself on those things such as the data analysis ability of Big data, the latest data warehouse or facilities for those big corporations to process their data, important tools to help corporations know their customers or the world better and to use the next generation technology well in order to help people communicate in a cheaper way. IBM should treasure what it has and doesn't think what it has is a liability. People all around the world still use old technology to deal with problems each day because those tools are reliable. People still use structure-type computing language to solve the problem many corporations face every day without considering to use the OOP-type computing language. It shows what it counts. The reliable tools is much better than the latest new technology. IBM should know those ideas better than others and come out with better business strategies to show the uniqueness of IBM. IBM should not look down to itself becuase it doesn't invent the Java language or something else.
Maybe,the CEO of IBM should know those better and come out with better strategies and good implementation. To revive the IBM takes time just like those things to make the USA back from the hell to the heaven. The IBM is the story that ordinary American people face right now. The failure of IBM shows the losing of self-esteem of American people. IBM should refocus its strength and leave the rest behind. IBM should always remember that the most valuable IPs now in the IBM are the experienced IBM employees. Stop laying off them. Try to bring good strategies for IBM employees to grow. That is the first priority IBM should do.
God helps those who help themselves.