Dear American people:
This time is no different. I have to confess I love to invest in bond funds, just like Mr. Buffett loves to hold stocks. It is a personal bias. Yes. it is. Just like a lot of people hold their bias and live on the world. Me too, either. Life goes on, no matter what kind of bias they have. We just have to live with that.
I also agree with Mr. Greespan that the end of QE3 will not be without cost. And the cost may bring some unpleasant consequences. But it already did. Like a couple of months we saw before, the volatile financial market brings fear and tear. In the end, it is just a false alarm. Now we are in the boat sailing in the dire strait. But the direction is clear that every American people who can work and wants to have a job should be in title to have a full time job. It is a goal you should fight for. It is the destination that the boat is sailing to. No matter how hard the tide American people face. Life goes on. We are looking forward to seeing the ship of US pass the dire strait and sail to a real sunshine. Dear American people, it is your life. You have no right to give up. It may have some turmoil in front of you just like Mr. Greepsan says. It is a process with tear and fear. But there will be a sunshine after the turmoil goes away. It will always be that way if you believe.
People like me still have troublesome in mind that the Ship of USA may sink or be abandoned by American own people. I am lack of faith that American people should have. I am lack of confidence if American people do not want to change. American people should be like a rock this time as those QEs have bring tons of money to the ultra-rich of American families and US big corporations. We see those benefits have been created during those QE years and go largely to those people and corporations. It is time to ask them to do something. It is time to ask them pay back. The US is not an abstract concept only but a real thing. Every American citizen is in title to serve their own country, including to spend more to let other American people have a decent job.
All those things bring me to believe where we stand is not a balloon but a real ground. It may have several turmoils but the ground is solid and American people may finally realize all those bad news may not be that bad. All those good news may not be that good as it shows in the first place. American people stop buying houses and long-term goods may just show the real issue that Americans do not have enough full time jobs and savings to afford so many extra transactions. American people keep their heads sober is not a bad news as it looks at the first sight. Stop over-consuming is a first step to have more savings. To save more can help banks have more money in their hands and it will keep the interest rate down. In the end, the small or medium sized US corporations(SME) can borrow money at a lower rate. It is not a vicious circle but a good cycle. I encourage all American people to save more and let the rate down. Then we will be no longer to depend on the Fed's QE anymore. All the good news may not be that good as you see, so is all the bad news.
May God bless all of you and the USA.