My Dear American Fellows:
I have to say even Mr. Obama fails in the election, he did create something for us to remember. He got a scar to prove it!! The first thing is he seems not to know those kind of things about the economy in the first place. But he often talks about the team play is important for his decision to make. So his legend shows the virtue of American's wisdom. Those decisions are not made by Mr. Obama himself but a lot of wise or stupid men and women around him. Those ideas are not come out from his head, especially those stories of job creation. From the very beginning, Mr. Obama wants Americans to accept or share with each other those part-time low paid jobs to accomodate the higher unemployment rate. But he fails!! American people want steady long-term jobs with higher pays. No one thinks that is wrong. But in the process of job creation, even in our nation, we create a lot of part-time jobs but much less long-term jobs this time.
When Mr. Obama realizes American people want long-term jobs, it just lets him burn the midnight oil or stays out till the morning every day. It is much harder than you know and you think on your mind. Those jobs just can not be created in one day when your people are lack of funds or savings. It is not just the incentive thing anymore because you have no incentive motivation already. You leave nothing in your pockets and you have the creativity that can not be funded this time. So in the end, you have to save for a longer period of time. But it will just hurt your neighbors to find a decend job in this moment. That is the reason why you have to take QEx...I know it is pretty hard to accept this reality. I am against those QEx as I talked about this issue for years. But I have to confess that seems to be the only way this time. The monetary policy has to be used to compensate for the fiscal cliff. I guess that is no one can deny. My dear American people, yes, you just got a scar to prove what a long journey you have travelled. But this time, you have to move on or I have to use theose words "march on"!! There is no time for you to hestitate and no time to let you get into crazy minds. You have to show the world that USA is the first and the most deomocratic nation in this world. And that is nobody can deny.Just because you got a scar to prove!!