
My Dear American people:

  It is time to rethink the used to be, it is time to stop the usual measure of QE now. The bottom line of QE is try to reduce the borrowing cost and increase the pocket of all homeowners. That is what it counts and we rely on. As American consumers have money in their pocket, they can promote the economy to a sustainable level of consumption and make other people have their good lives. It is a good cycle for whole people. Now, we see the QE has reached its limit and the structure of American economy has changed quite well. We also know that there are million of houseowners who still have their mortgage debts higher than their market level of houses. It just shows if the original idea behind QE is try to lower the cost or the burden to keep the house, then you should change the course of your policy to make it more effective. Because the lenders are reluctant to accept the lower rate of lending now.

  This time, you should consider the subsidy of mortage interests to homeowner in order to let them have more money to invest, to save, or to consume. It is still the way you have to do but with different policies as the QE has gone to its limit and we do not see any substantial effect of this policy anymore. The fear of inflation os a good thing rather a bad thing. But the QE you perform does not have that expectation right now. And it just can not let the debt burden people become easier to live their lives. As people do not know how to use or take advantage of QE, it just shows the policy has to end somehow. The ultimate goal here is try to reduce the burden of homeowner and try to let them feel better. The most important goal here is try your best to revive the property market but with a healthy way through higher standard livings raising. I guess it will take years to let those homeowners to have their mortgage debts lower than their peoperty prices as the price has gone too high before. It takes time to reach the goal. But all you should do is try to alleviate homeowners' burden and increase their happiness somehow. That is the reason why you perform QEs. Because you want to make them burdenless and have some money in their pockets to have a better life.

  The States is on the right track. We see a big progress these years and you did make the world surprise and wonder how the States can revive itself in a shorter period of time. It all counts on your free society and free economy ideas. You just make everyone to believe the States can have a brighter future than any other coutries in the world as you show your respect to the professional minds and you does have the most dynamic economy in this world. It just shows you do have those talent people in charge of your nation that no other nations can have. We are eager to see a progress that at least 2 million people can be employed each year from now on. If you can reach the goal, that is the best thing the world can have.

    創作者 Vegetable 的頭像


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