Dear American people:
Mr. Buffet always tries hard to convince us that this time is no difference. Do not always look at the nagative, try hard to look at the reality. The reality is the cash cow business is always and the foremost the great business that each one is eager to invest. The wise American people know that well and the wealth discrepancy can be shown from the perspective with different attitudes. The wise American people know how to use the leverage to create their own wealth. The wise Americans know how to grab the opportunity to become an even richer person. But it comes out another question which is how to make other people who are inferior or just could not have the chance to become the one who can be the joint force of this millionaire-creation train.
Just as some people say that the only two things the America should do are (1)a better tax system and (2)a better healthcare system. The former one brings the chance to all Americans to be a millionaire just as Mr. Buffet and the latter one let everyone reduce their life burden and have a chance to deal with their own challenge. Every one could grab one's moment in lifetime. Of course, there will be some gains and some loses. But if people can grab the chance well, it just makes them rich. It is what those QEs and OTs mean, it brings a well-run system in front of all Americans and let people grab their own moments.
I think if Mr. Bernanke could stay for another term as the chairman of the Fed, it is welcomed by the whole world. The next term for Mr. Bernanke in the Fed may be a good idea as the USA right now faces the unsolved structural unemployment problem and the fiscal policy just has its limitation. Mr. Warren Buffet also recommends another term for Mr. Bernanke in the Fed. I support the idea as the monetary policy seems to be the only solution and the most powerful solution for the USA right now. I have mentioned the issue several months ago and hope Mr. Obama can let Mr. Bernanke stay in the Fed for another term. It is the best choice for the American people and it can resolve those disputes from all the people in the congress, the academics and the society these days.
Mr. Buffet has mentioned a lot in his lately conversation in the Georgetown university with the CEO of BofA, Sep 19,2013. I think the most important issue this time may be the healthcare system. If you do not want to impose a new tax burden on the wealthy people. It is a good time to ask the wealthy people pay a little bit more for the national healthcare system. In our healthcare system in Taiwan, the employer has to pay a little bit more. The manager of private corporations and doctors also have to pay more. The fee payment of national healthcare system is preogressive with the personal job position and income.
As the healthcare system is implemented on the usage of real Medicare or medical costs, it would not waste too much like other fiscal policies because the medical cost just can not be paid in advance. Each payment must have its own receipt. The issue of money wasting on medicare can be largely reduced by the well-run system which can be built on the experience of other nations. It also can largely reduce the life inequality between the wealthy people and the poor because each one in the society can use the system equally. If you have bad health, you just need to pay more. If you are in good condition, you can help people by paying a bill according to your job title and the range of income. When you get older, you will need others to help you. The healthcare system can really decrease the unfairness among different classes in the society. A good healthcare system can bring Americans to be a more united nation because every one can has one's fair share on the healthcare issue.
Those problems and issues I mention above just show how delicate those issues can be and how hard to have a perfect solution for all those problems. "Some gain, some lose." is always the tradeoff between those decision makings. I remeber an article I read before which mentions about your late president Mr. Roosevelt, in his third term, wants to let the country have its own national healthcare system during his last days in the world. Unfortunately, he died before the dream came true. And the dream has not been fulfilled from that time till now. Now the dream is even harder to be realized.
I have been taught from American books that we should have the idea that every one is equal in this world. Lately Americans just show me the opposite. In the USA, doctors can ask even more shares from the society and experienced market traders can have an even larger shares of those trading profits which even jeopardize the financial system. Americans forget those wisdoms of founding father and mother and become selfish. That is striking me. It makes me feel sad about Americans. Americans should be those people with warm hearts and love to help each other. Americans should be the special group who love to create something new and make a big difference for the world they live. The US QEs is not only saving the USA but saving the whole world. Those facts are just shown from the late situations of India, Indonesia, Mexico and Brazil. It shows the US has built a system connecting the whole world nations which can trade with each other freely. That is the true meanings behind the US QEs.
My dear American fellows, this time is no difference. I really hope you can know the value of sharing. And you should understand that money is not everything. Help each other to have a better life is American people's destiny. Do not forget your ancestor's lectures that everyone in the promised country should be treated equally.