Dear American people:
This time is no different. We do expect largerly improvement of US economy but it may not bring enough full time jobs. Now the US has transformed itself into a more knowledge-based society. People have to realize that new jobs creation are largely depending on new technologies adoption by US citizens. The old technology replacement rate does have its impact on the US employment. We do expect the service industries in the US can have some leaping effects. We do expect those non-cyclical necessities industries can grow when the Obama administration proposes a larger fiscal stimulus program to replace the expansionary monetary ploicy now. We do expect the participant rate of US citizen can increase than before. We do expect the US can have at least 2 million people have their jobs this year. When the world gets worse, we do expect a lot of money flow back to the USA. When emerging markets have so many troubles we can not foresee, those trouble just make the US financial market a safe heaven. We have doubts about the European financial markets, especially the conflit between Ukraine and Russia may bring some trouble to Germany and other Eastern European nations. We do expect Western European countries may depend on Russia even more than we know before. Those things just trouble us. Those things just make a lot of countries with peace and lower inflation rate to be good places to park money. It may not include some countries with some structural problems deep inside which just can not grow that much as expected. Money flowing into those nations are just for the speculation.
We do expect the unemployment rate of US may wander around 6.8% and may not go down as people expect in the near term. We do expect the unemployment rate of US will eventually fall as many things get better. We do expect the employment may be a little bit harder for US citizens in the first few months this year. But we still have faith because other nations are even worse than the US this time. So we still think the US financial market is the safe heaven. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia makes people wonder if we really can counquer humans weakness, including selfish and greed. We hope American people can have stronger faith to the world and help others to weather bad weathers and storms.