Dear Amercian people:
I have written lots of words to you for many years. I know it sounds a little silly and stupid. But I won't let it go. I believe the United States of America is a great nation I have ever seen. I got a lot of education from American scholars, from their books, lectures and words. It always reminds me that the US is a great place with a lot of wisdom. Lately we see a lot of troubles happen in the US, the gun control issue, the racial discrimination and others. But I believe that American people have intelligence to make a difference.
The followings are what I had written in 2013/12/6 on the board..I repeat those words to remind all American people that every thing never comes easy.. Change is always with tears and pains... But American people try hard to ...and accomplish many good things to your own people and the world....
Dear American people:
Just as Mr. Obama says to the world, Mr. Mandela teaches the world a lot of things. The most important one is to keep faith on ourselves. We are mankind, and we have intelligent to solve those conflicts between us or among us. We should have faith instead of fear on our minds. From 2008 to today, the America has created Eight Million Jobs for its own people. And we do expect the country can create more than two million jobs each year hereafter if the USA can keep a faster pace of growth. What a great accomplishment American people did!! What a great achievement that American people show to the world!!
My Dear Amercian fellows, you have done a good job. But the world is still waiting. We are waiting for another miracle you can bring to your own people and the world. The unemplyment rate reaches to 6.5%, the saving rate increases to 10%. It means that the USA still lacks of six to seven millions jobs and everyone with a decent job can save more than ten percent of their earns. That is the goal. It is also a hope to American people and the rest of the world.
My Dear American people, Mr. Mandela shows us even the world is full of struggle, even people sometimes turn their backs on us, if we have hope instead of fear, we can make a better world. Just keep on going, maybe like Forrest Gump, without looking back and having any second thought. It will be a great moment for American people to show the world. And there will be another miracle that American fellows can create, which is the SUM of HOPE instead of fear.
May God bless you!!Sincerely....
Now the US unemployment rate is at 5% or below and the figure people with full time jobs is larger than the time before 2008. Of course, the US still has more than 6 millions people who only can get part time jobs. But the US makes a big progress already. Move on without fear, PLEASE.
I have to encourage all American people again and again. It is time to move on with gun control issue. It is time to think hard how to make the Obamacare better because it still has a lot of holes to fill. My Dear American Fellow, Do not turn back to the old days. Face those problems with courage and solution. Make the USA a better nation.
I believe the unemployment rate of US will decrease to 4.5%. I believe American people can find ways for those 6 million people with part time jobs to have a decent life. Help each other is the only thing Amercian people should do these days. I believe the inflation will come to the land of braves earlier than people expect. I believe American people have wisdom to .....
Nay God bless the US.