Dear American people:
To be honst, I do feel so tired lately and still do. To let people have some happiness is not an easy job. It can not be just a lips service but need to with a good plan.
We all know those problems American people are worrying about most. We all know if people try to make some changes, it may bring a lot of tears. What's the issue Amercian people concern most?
(1) The cost of getting higher education
A lot of American people who support Mr. Trump have less education. A lot of people who even don't finish their high school education give their big hands to Trump. Those American people who may think the US higher education is too costly to obtain. The data shows that the salary gets better in the US when people have higher education. How could a new president help this one? How to resolve the issue which to let people have a great education without paying too much and delaying their marriage and plan of having babies? It depends on the wisdom of Amercian poeple.
(2) The cost of heathcare
American people do care about their healthcare cost. But if the cost goes lower largely, the quality of treatment or medicare will go down even more. How to help people understand the connection between the cost of healthcare and the quality of treatment is a must-be issue. There is no free lunch. You should not ask the hospital go bankrupt to help people have a good medical treatment.
(3) The disappearance of middle-class
People have to pay more to have a higher education which delays their normal life. Is it a correct philosophy? Or could the US government have a better compromise on the issue? The student loan makes people feel burdensome. The student loan makes American people unhappy. Higher education may not let people have a great job with good paycheck because the skill they learn may not be what the enterprise needs. The decreasing creation of manufacturing jobs and the lower paid of service jobs make American people sad. And all those kind of jobs cut or non-increase makes higher education useless.
(4) Not that hard working Americans..... anymore
People all around the world with some higher GDP growth pay a big price to have a better life. They may lose their good sleep to take the job which needs to burn the midnight oil. They may lose their marriage because they have a overloaded job to take care. They may have to work more than 12 hours a day to get the job done. They may need to have a lot of sacrifice to keep the food on the table. They may always worry about their job losing if someone is smarter or better than themselves. They need to worry a lot and always try to save some money for their family members. Compared with those situations, it may show that American people is not that hard working anymore. All around the world, people have a better life at the expense of their health, precious time and a lot of sacrifices. In the end, their sacrifice only can trade with a little happiness such as some temporary salary increasing or make their family have some smile on the face sometimes.
It is a competitive world. We have to learn it in a hard way and keep in mind of non-stop hard working and no looking back. Dear American people, it is time to face the music and have some realistic thinking. Everyone in the world tries to make a decent life gets suffer all the time.
No pain, no gain. We do pay a big price for all those things.
May God bless the US.