寫在前面:這裡我們將很簡單的介紹一下International CAPM,爾後就再回到Portfolio management的一些注意事項中,畢竟財務實務上面重視的還是評價,因此最後談的是Private Equity Valuation!!以後有機會的話,預計是七月之後,會跟大家談財務風險管理與其一些相關子議題!!
Hello there:
這裡要簡單談一下International CAPM!!前提是:這是一個integrated world,所有人都能夠自由的用各國的無風險利率進行投資與借貸!!
(1)the foreign currency risk premium (FCRP)
r(.):risk free rate of specified country,
So: the direct-quote spot rate,
a. the foreign currency risk premium
= E[(S(T) - So)/So] - [r(domestic) - r(foreign)]
= [E(S(T)) - So]/So - (F - So)/So
= (E(S(T)) - F)/So
因為(F - So)/So = [r(domestic) - r(foreign)]
by the covered interest rate parity
b. 若F為S的不偏估計式,所以 F = E(S(T)),則the foreign currency risk premium為零!!!
這裡面說明了當Forward rate為future spot rate的不偏估計式時,
其中隱含的是foreign exchange rate可以完全透過Foreign exchange
Forward rate contract來規避風險,因此所有的匯率風險就消失了,
那International CAPM就回歸到傳統的CAPM了!!!
(2)先看一下relative PPP與real exchange rate的關係
a. X: real exchange rate,
S: direct-quote nominal exchange rate,
P(FC): the price level of foreign currency,
P(DC): the price level of domestic currency,
X = S * [P(FC)/P(DC)]
x = s - [Infl(DC) - Infl(FC)]
其中 x = 實質匯率變動率,
s = 名目匯率變動率,
Infl(DC): the inflation rate of domestic,
Infl(FC): the inflation rate of foreign.
b. 若relative PPP是成立的,
我們知道 s = [Infl(DC) - Infl(FC)], i.e., x = 0!!!
=> 名目匯率的變動率完全來自於兩地通貨膨脹率的差距!!
c. 在international CAPM中, relative PPP並不成立!!!
(3)Asset Returns與Exchange Rate的關係
V(DC): the value in terms of domestic currency,
V(FC): the value in terms of foreign currency,
S: the direct-quote exchange rate,
V(DC) = V(FC) * S
R = R(FC) + s
=> the hedged return is
R = R(FC) + [F - So]/So
a. unhedged case
E(R) = E(R(FC)) + E(s)
= E(R(FC)) + [E(S(T) - So]/So
b. hedged case
E(R) = E(R(FC)) + [F -So]/So
c. the difference between the unhedged case and the hedged case
is the foreign currency risk premium!!
FCRP = [E(S(T) - So]/So - [F -So]/So
= [E(S(T)) - So]/So - [r(domestic) - r(foreign)]
(4)The international CAPM
E(R(i)) = Rf(Domestic)
+ Beta(i,world) *MRP(world)
+ Sum of (j = 1,2,....K; Sensitive(i,j) * FCRP(j))
(5)Currency exposure of a foreign asset
Alpha = R/s
= (R(FC) + s)/s
= R(FC)/s + 1
= Alpha(FC) + 1
i.e., the currency exposure of a foreign asset is equal to its local currency exposure plus 1.
(6) the ex-post return
R(DC) = E(R(FC)) + nominal change in FC w.r.t. DC
= E(R(DC)) + real change in FC w.r.t. DC
其中 E(R(.)) is the ex-ante expected return
note. 其他關於ICAPM的理論與實務等等,請自行參閱書籍與論文!!