
Dear American people:

  This time is no difference. The failure of Vietnam War is due to the selfishness of South Vietnam people. So is the Iraq and the Afganistan. I think the issue of Syria is not that different. The world is a cold blood place, even American people are with warm hearts. It does not change the world that much. Don't feel pity for yourself. Do not regret those silly wars. It just happens because American people are naive and with warm hearts. Children in Syria are suffered. People are weeping and women are crying. It is absolutely true that we still cage our souls in the deep dark world. Russia wants to sell their weapons to Syria, so does Red China. They have their benefits or interest there. Think about it, if American people borrow a lot of money in order to attack Syria, what will happen? Russia may use the money earned from the weapon selling to Syria and invest it in your treasury bonds and get those interest payments (which comes from American tax payers). So is China. This time is no difference.

 People think American just demonize the leader of Syria government. I have to remind you it just can not be done on one man's hand. There is an interested group that wants to keep their power and interest forever THERE. So how could you face that when you only try to remove the regime? The situations of Afganistan and Iraq tell us, it is just not the issue of who is in charge but how to have a peace in those countries. Democracy seems to be a stange word to Arab. I do know people may say that "Hey! You! Mind your own business!" But it is a pretty silly thing to see those happen again.

  There is an old saying in our wisdom ancient Chienese:"If you want to make someone a great general, give him/her a lot of wars to prove it. And there will be a lot of soldiers die for the general to show how greatness he/she is." I think this time is no difference that American people just try hard to have their own hero of the war AGAIN. But deep inside, you should ask yourself a question:"How come I pay so much to make a great general who seems to be irrelevant to my daily life? Just because I feel pity for Syria people? But they may get even worse hereafter as those things happen in Iraq NOW." There may be a lot of endless violences after the USA removes the regime. The situations of Afganistan and Iraq may happen in Syria, too. So we will face that..children are crying, women are weeping and men are just dying. 

  It seems to be the question that American people have to ask themselves: "Will American people want to occupy Syria until they have their decent peace or democracy just like Iraq and Afganistan?" What will happen if American people can not afford that? What will happen if American people get tired to be the world police? These days you just want to leave out Afganistan and Iraq without any reasons, right? We all know that the democracy has not been deep rooted in the world of Arab. They do not know the true meaning behind that the democracy is a form of debate without killing each other. American people always debate about some issues, always have different angles about a lot of things. But you will not kill each other by using forces, weapons,or even the gas. You debate and argue with each other and reach the consensus. We learn those kind of things has not happened in the world of Arab, especially from the lesson of Egypt. It just doesn't work that way.

  An alternative way may lie on how to let Syria to be a more civilized nation. That is what you should do. To teach the leader how to be a great leader without using that terrible ways to treat its own people. Or you should make sure the force used against the regime will not create Syria to be another Iraq or Afganistan. People are still dying and crying there, Iraq and Afganistan, EACH DAY.

  And from the economic perspective, everyone knows if the war starts, American may face the situation of Vietnam time again - the higher oil price and the higher pressure of inflation. So money will flow out of the States again. It will drive the US stock market go down. The USA is a country which depends a lot on its service business. How can you expect people get hired when their employers worry about the rising living standard of their own? I guess the war is bad to the States NOW. That is a sure thing. Of course, those people who live on trading may be happy finally as the weaker dollars give them another chance for the carry trade. But it is bad to ordinary American. It is the reason why I am oppose(this is the word what Mr. Kissinger uses.) the idea to remove the regime of Syria RIGHT AWAY this time.

  Besides, American do not need another Rambo to ruin their small town THIS TIME. Right?


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