Dear American People:
Now you have to face the fiercely competition of Chinese cell phone companies or brands in CHINA, especially the one that is called XiaoMi 3. It uses the software of Miui V5 that is not Android or Microsoft one. XiaoMi starts its phone from the software perspective. So it can be largely extend its system with the hardware it wants. It will not be restrained by the software designed from the Android or other platform. The most important part is XiaoMi uses the Sharp screen and it also uses the latest version of Qualcomm CPU, and it also use the design to save its energy. It has the latest power management by using the other CPU to reach that. It also combine the idea of Nokia Lumia but it is much better than the previous one.
Apple faces the not-equal competition just like other US companies in China. You know in China, you can not use Facebook or Google. You have to use Alibaba and Baidu. That is the reason why the e-commerce in China has its own way to work on. The most important issue is the advantage ot those US companies can not be used by people in China. They are trained to use Baidu and other service provided by China owm companies. It will be a big discrepancy for the Apple to get into the market of mainland China.
I think the strategy of Apple has to change with this new situation. And the most important one is to consider develop some software that is specific designed for Chinese people in the mainland. It has to create an feeling of intimacy. It has to create some sort of fans who love to use iPhone 5c. It has to motivate people in China love to use Apple's cell phone to communicate with the one who also has the Apple's iPhone. The Apple has to design several softwares that can be used between all Apple's cell phone without any further costs which can draw great attetion of Chinese people in China. The iPhone 5c needs some good functions which can target the user habit of Chinese people in China. So it can compete with XiaoMi's own system Miui v5. The design of XiaoMi 3 is a breakthrough, people in China think it can be a great threat to Samsung as it does increase its popularity these days. So it will be a big threat to the latest unrevealed iPhone 5c. In the old saying of our wisdom ancient Chinese, "if you can not fight against your enemy, the fitst thing you should do is try to follow same steps your competitors do. Then try hard to have your own strategy that shows your true nature which can drag the eyeballs of those ones who can afford the product." Watch out, XiaoMi may be the next Nokia somehow. XiaoMi will succeed to have its place and even greater market shares in China.