Dear American people:
It is time to stay away from the politics and get back to work. Remeber to cast you ballot, that is all. I can feel that Mr. Trump is an old man with loneliness inside because he always tries to say something make you surprise. He may be right that American politicians are a bunch of people who do care about how to get re-elected but care less about American people. If it is that way, it just shows how ridiculous your political system can be.
Mr. Trump is not a bad guy. Indeed he makes people feel frightened sometimes. A change hand of authority from one party to another is a regular thing for the U.S. But people seems to worry about what Mr. Trump will do if he get elected. I guess the whole story still focuses on the Wall Street. Mr. Trump may do whatever he wants to jail those people.
People from the U.S. may say the thing Mr. Obama doesn't do but he should is to jail those criminals in the Wall Street. American people are still full of anger about those things in 2007-2008 which makes people wake at night and feel a lot of sorrow inside. Mayge, I should use the word of furious instead of sorrow. But the law is the law which people should abide. You can not jail people just because you think those people should be. You can not do whatever you want even those people make you broken. You can not do a lot of crazy things for revenge even those villains make you cry. Even the president of United States has to follow the rule, no matter how much he wants to jail those outlawed ones. The U.S. is a country with law and order that people should respect.
Life is hard enough these days. I know that Mr. Trump lost a lot of money on his business last year. I know Mr. Trump is a man with anger who thinks the justice is not revealed in the way he thinks it should be. But that is it. No one can live beyond the law. No one has the priviledge to live a life above the law. All those said and done could be discussed throughly. But life is not the way Mr. Trump thinks it is. It just can not be that way as he wishes.
Obamacare is a big trouble to whole American people.How to cover all American people with insurance is a big issue. In Taiwan, we try hard to fix our healthcare system in a big way but still have to pay a lot for the learning. It is a global issue on healthcare system in which how to let everyone have their insurance covered in a cost efficient and better way is still a question. Nobody knows how could human race stop using coal and nuclear but have enough electricity to keep on living our lifes as usual. Nobody knows when we give up coal as the generator of heat and electricity, how could we survive without nuclear plant? All those problems are in front of us.
For American people, you still have sorrow in your hearts. You still think those villains have not be treated fairly. I know that. I know that well. I am fully acknowledged about those issues. But you should follow the rule until people in the congress change the way. I think that is what Mr. Trump doesn't say. I guess that is Mr. Trump who still feel anger inside. I do not know who and what can be said and done to relieve his pain and furious inside.
Dear American peoplem, life is hard enough already. If you want something change, you still need to fix the problem little by little and day by day. Day in, Day out. Those problems should be resolved by the congress, not by those actions under the table or beyond the law.
Mrs. Clinton is a good lady who is better than Mr. Trump to run the nation, I think. People will be frightened by Mr. Trump because he is a little bit unpredictable. But I do not say Mr. Trump is wrong about everything he said. He does feel the incompetence of the U.S. congress. He does feel maybe it is time to do something right even it is beyond the law. Maybe it is time for people to do something outlawed but get approved from lots of American people. I should ask the help from whole American people and remind you that is forbidden in the promised land. The US is a nation with law and order who has freedom, human rights and civilization. People in the U.S. should not do what they want to reveal the justice they think, even it may not be a wrong idea at all.
It is still a wrong thing and uncivilized if people do not abide the law and respect the nation. I have no right to say that let bygone be bygone. I have not in title to speak lound about the issue of 2008 financial crisis happened in the U.S.A. Even I could not stand all those things if I got broken or get hurt by no reason. But, I believe that all American people will come out a way to find their own justice. From the congress or from the individual state power, it will be resloved from the law. It will be resolved some day under the witness of God.
Cast you ballot on Mrs. Clinton but give your sympathy and love to Mr. Trump.
May God bless the U.S.