Dear American people:
I have to remind you there is always an end of the story and no more sequels. People with experience on investment do follow the principle of buying low and selling high. That is the rule for making money. That is the rule to give people hope. Glencore is up more than you know. A lot of mining companies do have some confidence that the worst is over. The rule seems to work well for stock markets and for those companies.
When there is dark coming, after that, we will see the sunlight. I have said that we still wait for another five million full-time jobs be created from the United States. Now we expect a lower unemployment rate for European nations if we keep the faith that Euro and Pound will not suddenly appreciate a lot. Inflation seems to be an inevitable thing for people living in the British and the Euro area. It is the thing they need for higher inflation and lower debt burden. Forgive me to be bold to say people all around the world should give sunlight to the Euro area this time. Especially those ones invest heavily in the Euro area who should look more carefully to what I write....
Give the Euro area and the Britian a decent inflation rate. From that, they can feel relieved and have some hope to the future.
Dear American fellows, the good days seems to be never end this time because the Fed and the US government prepare well for the downside. So it is not easy to see the downside wins. In the following years in the United States, people need to figure out how to reduce the government debt but not to push the US dollar appreciate lots. You know there is 5 trillion US Treasuries or semi-government debt in the hand of Fed. If Fed decides to reduce its balance sheet. Around 20 trillions US government debt will be largely reduced to 14-15 trillions all of a sudden. I can not imagine what will happen to the US dollar. Now, around 70% US government debt is in the hand of American people. All those interest payments on US government debt make those retirees in the US feel safe and sound.
By the way, a larger balance sheet of Fed has another effect these days. That is to prevent the RMB to be an international currency easily because people are with full of hand of US dollars. They don't have time to think to own some RMB these days. The purchasing power of RMB remains to be seen. And the Euro, the British Pound and the Japanese Yen are all falling down with respect to the US dollar lately.
It makes people wonder if the Fed to shrink its balance sheet. How high will the US dollar go to the sky? We don't want to see the US dollar against the gravity. We want to see another five millions American people to have their full-time jobs in the following two years.
To be honest, it will be the most devastating weapon to the emerging world if the Fed triggers the reduction program immediately. Then it would hurt the US because of a well connected world. We want to see another five millions people have their full-time payrolls in the following two years. Please do not do the silly thing to trigger the weapon because it will hurt the American people too.
Please remember that God helps those who help themselves.
A sweet dream seems to be never end? So far so good, this time....
May God bless the US.
PS. A thing I have to ask for help from whole American people is to discipline Red China. I have to ask the whole world to help Red China don't go to the mode of self-destruction. For Chinese, history always repeats itself when people in the country always try hard to be an emperor. It is a well connected world. A riot and unsettled Red China would bring more harm than good. The world has to find a way to let Red China join in and have a self-discipline. I think American people should have some ideas for this issue. Red China may bring many unpredictable things to this world if Red China loses its way.