We do hope to regain the mutual recognition between Taiwan and the United States. That is a big step for Mr. Trump to know a lot of things better. For years, people living in Taiwan do account for the help of American people. People living in Taiwan also help the United States a lot as Mr. Obama always tells the world. People living in Taiwan help the United States and respect the democracy system. We hope the normalization between the United States and Taiwan could go even further after Mr. Trump becomes the president of United States from day 1. We hope we could have a new bilateral trading agreement (FTA) between the United States and Taiwan. We love to be a part of new supply chain among Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the United States. We also love to move our factories back from the mainland China. We want to be a part of the re-emerging US manufacturing team. We love to let people living in Taiwan could have a decent life manufacturing some pieces of component for the US manufacturing industry. We hope out people could regain their lifes as a new part of supply chain for the US manufacturing industry. We hope the mainland China's role in the supply chain could be largely reduced, then we could not be threatened by the horrible Communist China.
We hope the trading partnership could be more coherent between the United States and Taiwan. We know lately the internationalization of RMB becomes a big failure due to a higher bad debt level in the Red China. Now, Red China is losing its foreign exchange reserve of US dollars gradually. Red China even worries about the depletion of its foreign exchange reserve and starts its own version of capital control. Red China starts to keep people in the mainland China from buying gold and precious metal from abroad. Red China is even considering stop importing material from outside. We do see that Chinese communist party memebers have no determination to save people from the disaster. Red China has no determination to cut the overproduction of steel and others making the world face a deflation threat. It also leads other nations be treated unfairly in the global trade.
Taiwan ia a part of ancient China, but not a part of P.R.O.C. Our sovereign name is Republic of China, R.O.C. We hope Mr. Trump has the determination helping us to have a global recognition. We don't pursue Taiwan independence. We just want our name back. We want the whole world to know the Republic of China (Taiwan) better. We want the world knows that Taiwan is different from the mainland China. We want the world knows Taiwan is a sovereign nation with democracy and advanced economy. We want our name back in front of the world.
I really hope Mr Trump could help Taiwan has a normal relation with the United States. People living in Taiwan get suffered enough from the bully of mainland China. We hope we could have mutual recognition between the United States and Taiwan. It is about the time. People living in Taiwan get suffered as other US allies from those disasters of 911, 2008 financial crisis and the lately Red China bully. We get together and have been through with people in the United States for many things. We are a stronger supporter of the United States, for better or worse. We do need a big hand from the United States. We hope the United States could help us build submarines, warships and provide sufficient of advanced aircrafts and weapons to defend ourselves. We don't try to pursue the independence of Taiwan. We want to have a normalization with the United States in the name of Republic of China.
I have to confess the tear in my eyes when I write down the thing on the relation normalizaton betwween the United States and Taiwan. I know it leaves a hope of reunification of China somewhere. But we do hope China will be reunified on an equal stand. Maybe, someday, we could see a democratic mainland China emerges. Maybe, someday, we could see the Chinese communist party knows the time to let people have democracy is coming. Maybe, someday, we could see a more civilized Chinese communist party, but now we don't have it. A corrupted mainland China with severe air pollution and a larger wealth discrepancy is what we see about the Red China lately. It is not our motherland. It is not our hometown. We live in Taiwan. All the people in Taiwan are our people. We pursue the best interest of whole people living in Taiwan. Our country has its name, Republic of China.
I am a Chinese and always be. I am also a Taiwanese and always be. I hope we could have the formal recognition from the United States. I hope Mr. Trump could pursue the relation normalization between the United States and Taiwan now. I hope people in the United States know better that Taiwan is always an ally of the United States. We, people in Taiwan, have been through all those stuffs with American people for several decades already. People in Taiwan are a big supporter of the United States. We hope American people could help us this time.