My Dear American people:
It is the golden moment to see China finally wake up from its long-unawaken punch party. And it is the golden moment for you to help China to be a more civilized nation. It is time for Americans for find something new to trade with China even though they seems not to respect the intellectual property rights. I still think China has to change. China will face the same issue that more underdeveloped nations will try to copy the China's everything after several years to come. It is inevitable and no one can stop it.
China lately finally realize it has to trim down its financial system, especially those ones with terrible record to inflate everything from house to precious herb. It is time to wake up China that it just can not get used to it anymore.
I have to remind you that China is a society of communism. Everything people have can be taken back to the state if the government thinks that is right. In China, might is right. To be honest, I am not totally disagreed with it since there are always something unthinkable happening in China that make people suffer. Maybe the redistribution is good for them. Lately, everyone in China seems to be the slave of something, from house, precious metal, coal mines and important necessities. It does not raise their living standard but let them be the slave of their souls. Everyone in China wants to be richer but gets even worse than used to be. They take too much burden on house rents and other unnecessaries. It has to be solved and they just have no time to wait.